Chapter 8

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Hello! did you really think I'll continue the next 2 months? Surprise surprise!😁

after they ate ( of course you fed her again) 

Artemis: oh Max I have something to tell you well more of a request.

Max: what is it? 

Artemis: umm would you mind accompany me tomorrow. 

Max: to where? don't you have the nymphs to do that.

Max's mind: I already like this peaceful life, don't drag me into another mess.=III=

Artemis: well since you haven't gone to Olympus yet- 

Max: won't the gods be angry about that, a mortal. 

Anya inside his mind: not a mortal an immortal.

Artemis: no worries they said we can bring anyone, a mortal or an immortal. 

Max: shit *swears quietly* 

Artemis: what? 

Max: nothing. 

Artemis: Good night, and wear something your style, If you want. 

Anya inside his mind: Go on~ 

Max's mind: shut up. 

The next day

Artemis: Max come on! 

Max: I'm coming! 

you wore this 

(If you hadn't had your mask on and imagine there's glasses and you look happy) Art not mine

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(If you hadn't had your mask on and imagine there's glasses and you look happy) Art not mine.

Max: How do I look? 

Artemis then blushed 

Artemis: Great (handsome and hot) come on. 

She then grabbed your hand 

Max: how do we-

They then teleported to OLYMPUS, completely off guard 

Max: next time warn me. 

Artemis: okay. 

then there you saw a decorated room but no people

Max: but you said that there was people and Gods here. 

Artemis: Yes it's because I have a meeting with the main Gods so stay here. 

Max: wha-she's gone. 

Max's POV...

I was roaming in the Olympus when I suddenly bumped into someone 

???: ow who dares to- 

Max: I'm so sorry are you okay? 

you got up and then you saw a person that shocked you the most. 

Hera: tch.  watch where you go next time. she then walked away.

Max's mind: wow I didn't know she was THIS rude. but maybe she's angry about Zeus. 

???: sorry she's like that. 

someone then helps you get up 

Max: Thanks. 

???: my name is Persephone. 

Max: Max lopez. 

Persephone: how come I never heard about you before 

Max's mind: fuck it's Persephone. 

Max: I'm just a mortal, I am no worth of your time.

Persephone froze 

Max's mind: she's probably gonna pity me. 

Persephone's face lit up 

Persephone: wow! a real mortal IN the Olympus! 

Max: huh? 

Persephone: This is my first time meeting one! 

She then shook your hand 

Max's mind: wait what!? 

Max: umm can you get me back to the hall pls. 

Persephone then lead you the way still holding your hand then finally you reached the hall 

Max: you can let go now. 

Persephone: oh sorry. 

Persephone's POV... 10 minutes ago 


Persephone: Please Lady Hera calm down. 

Hera: you're right, I have to to catch him at the right time at the right place. wait.. Oh no I forgot about the meeting!? 

She then ran I then followed her 

Persephone: wait Lady Hera.

Hera: ow who dares to- 

???:I'm sorry are you okay? 

Hera: Tch, watch where you're going next time. she then walked away. 

Persephone: sorry she's like that. I then held out a hand. 

Persephone's mind: what a weird outfit. 

???: thanks.

Persephone: my name is Persephone. 

???: I'm Max Lopez. 

Persephone weird I haven't heard about you here before. 

Max: that's because I'm a mortal, I'm sorry wasting your time on this mortal. 

Persephone: wow a real mortal in THE Olympus!? 

Max looked confused 

Persephone: this is my first time meeting one. 

I then shook his hand

Max: can you pls get me back to the hall pls. 

Persephone: sure, I then grabbed his hand and led him to the hall and then we got there. I was still holding his hand. 

Max: you can let go now. 

Persephone: oh sorry. you then let go of his hand but actually she's blushing 

Max's POV.. 

You then went to the hall's balcony 

Max's mind: they have so beautiful scenery here. 

???: nice right. 

you looked at the person behind you

???: names Apollo. 

he offered you a hand shake 

Max: I'm Max Lopez. I'm not a God so I shouldn't accept this handshake.

Apollo: Everyone's equal here, whether human or God. 

You then shake his hand 

Idk what to do next but this might take a bit longer because I wanted to make the chapter longer.

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