Chapter 28 The last day

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(well, problem readers. this might be the last chapter before this book ends. READ THE ANNOUNCEMENT BELOW, U BETTER) -Author

Aria: Max run, and call for help

Aria was behind you and then Aria activated her powers, your instinct told you to prevent her from doing so.

Max: Aria calm down, it's not harmful. if you don't pose any harm to it of course.

Aria: it's dangerous don't you see it!?

Max: I see it, but it's because it's my creation.

Aria: . . .

you got off her and she got up, and threw many questions at you.

Aria: what is that thing made off? is it safe for me to pet? are you sure this thing can roam around freely?

Max: too many questions, this was created a few days ago and this was supposed to be a gift before-

Aria: before what?

Max: nothing. just a thank you gift for you both for saving me even though there could have been high chances of me of-

you couldn't finish the sentence as you were about to cry. . .

Aria: oh I'll be reasonable Max. at first I thought you would take advantage of us both, but you showed us kindness and saved us two times not mention me thrice.

you both chuckled, as the machine walked up to you and looked up to Aria. you nodded as it makes its way to Aria, she was hesitant at first but you assured her no harm will come as long as you are there.

Max: we should get inside now, I'm craving for something hot.

Aria: me too.

as you both walked inside the mansion, she couldn't help but admire you from behind. if only we stayed like this forever, I wouldn't trade for it for anything. you smiled genuinely when you cook for them, going to other places and more.

Leto's POV. . .

Max: Leto, there you are.

Leto: ah, Max what brings you to the kitchen?

Max: preventing you from bur-

she hit you with a herb before you could even finish your sentence.

Max: ok ok, are you ready to learn how to make delicious food and not burning the entire kitchen.

Leto gave you a menacing glare as you were too afraid to open your mouth about the Burning kitchen incident.

Aria was waiting on the table while mixing some herbs. while you and Leto had a very funny experience because Leto was messing up every time but you just laughed it off, you worried about the ingredients.


Max: sorry food, but unluckily I can't thanks to Leto.

you both had a hard time but managed to get it done by 3 hours, 3 HOURS. by that time Aria was sleeping and STARVING. and when she smelled the delicious food, she came back to ✨LIFE✨.

and by the time Phoebe came back from wherever she came to. (I swear she only has little screen time) all of you both enjoyed the food that you both cooked. and Phoebe was impressed that her daughter didn't MANAGED to burn the kitchen this time.

not long after both Leto and Phoebe found out about the mechanical dog, and their first impression wasn't that great.


Phoebe: KILL IT!


Max: wait no-

End of flashback

They now understood but they were fascinated that this mechanical can move and feel on it's own. the mechanical dog has gotten used to the people inside the mansion, it has protective mode, spacial mode (he has an inventory inside of him), and lastly can transform into a weapon if needed. but now is the time.

tonight is the night, you escape. thanks to Leto, Aria and Phoebe not letting you go, you didn't have a choice but to escape. *sigh* I hope I can meet you all next time.

meanwhile. . .

???: I'm so close-

it broke and ??? screamed in frustration. a butler appeared waiting for it's master's next order.

Butler: ma'am-


the butler shocked by ??? voice as he knows that his master is in a bad move.

???: prepare Hydra. we're going out to hunt again.

Butler: as you wish master.

Typhon wasn't visiting her so often anymore, and he'd rather spend on his research and power. unknowingly that Typhon was out there doing something sinful. and I mean very sinful that if ??? found out she would go berserk.

Third person's POV. . .

Max was escaping the mansion in the middle of the night. you made sure you added extra modes to make sure it doesn't break and what you didn't know was that the mechanical dog was recording you all the time, so he would see his face even though he'll be gone.


Max: this other machine will be your next body in case if you break down, once you evolutionized it will be permanent. and your food source will be just water and dirt and rocks, but you can taste other food too.

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the mechanical dog was so happy and he wagged his tail.

end of flashback

I'll meet you again someday, after all you 3 are immortal.

you walked down by the shore and you saw the boat prepared as told. you asked a carpenter to build you a boat.

you set sailed to the ocean, and said goodbye to Delos Island. is this really goodbye? you'll be dragged back anyways.

Author's POV

??? and Max: I'll come back soon.

what you both don't know is that ??? and Max are going to become a legendary duo.


(just kidding)

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