Chapter 2 - Adopted

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The Matron's room was well taken care of. It had a large desk, with a lamp upon its form, and she was pushing papers together. She looked up toward me, and a smile crossed her face. She quickly put her books aside taking off the glasses she was wearing.

"Eve," she said, "Just the girl I was waiting for."

I gave her a smile although it feels more like a grimace. I was so stiff from nerves that I couldn't help but swallow a little. She must have noticed my unease for she stepped out from behind her desk and seated upon the old couch that was on the side of the room, patting the side for me to seat.

I walked toward her and did so, nervously playing with the hem of my shirt with my feet dangling in the air.

"Are you alright, Eve?" she asked, and I can hear the concern in her voice.

I stared up at her.

"I…Am I getting adopted?" I asked.

That seemed to surprise her.

"What makes you ask that?"

"Well, I…when the other kids come to talk to you," I said, "It's always about that."

The Matron let out a soft chuckle.

"Yes, it is usually about that when I speak to one of the kids here," she answered, "But it's not the reason why I called you here."

I looked up at her in surprise, relief coursing through me.

"It…It's not?"

She shook her head.

"No it's not," she said, "It's about something else."

Now I was feeling confusion, looking at her eyes. The Matron's eyes showed that she was thinking about something as she stared down into my own eyes. I had tried to read her expression but I couldn't tell anything of what she was thinking.

"You know," she started, "I always watch you ever since you first arrived here."

I blinked at her confused, as she stared down at me.

"It's seems like just yesterday that I had found you on the doorsteps of the orphanage that Monday morning," Sasha continued, "I am glad that the past three years have helped you a little bit. Even thought, you seem to have a maturity well beyond your years."

I hid my face behind my hair so that she doesn't see me blushing.

"I…well…I don't…,"

"No need to be embarrassed Eve," she said, patting me gently on the back, "Now, what I wanted to talk to you about is what happened today in the playground in the backyard of the building."

I feel myself freeze at those words. Since I knew that I was in the world of Fairy Tail now, it means that magic is something that everyone is familiar with.

"You mean…You saw…,"

Sasha nodded.

"I saw you use magic which is quite a feat considering how young you are," she said.

"M…Magic?" I repeated, feigning innocence, "That was what it was?"

She nodded.

"Yes, I have spent enough time around Mages to recognize it," Sasha told me, "When did you figure out that you could use it?"

"I…well, I became aware of it since I turned three," I told her honestly, "But somehow I could always feel it all around us. I didn't knows what it was…and I could feel it inside of me…"

Sasha stared at me in surprise. I could tell that she wasn't expecting what I was telling her. Her eyes stayed on me as her mouth dropped slightly.

"You can feel the Ethernano?"

Child Of Heaven (Fairy Tail Erza x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now