Chapter 33 - Bonds of Lost Friendship

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All of the Fairy Tail wizards were gathered in front of their destroyed guild as they observed the ruins in front of them. I stood a little way away from them leaning against a nearby house as I observed them. For some people who just had their guild hall destroyed, they seemed pretty relaxed at the entire thing.


I turned my attention toward Erza. The girl was wearing her normal Heart Kreuz armor. She was still bruised upon her face but it seems the pain had subsided for her. I can only feel a dull ache on my back from what Jose had done to me earlier.

"Hey," I greeted her, "Not the best way to meet again."

Erza didn't smile as she continued to observe me.

"Why?" she asked.

I blinked, not understanding the question.

"Why didn't you ever talk to me?" she asked, "Why no contact from you after all these years…?"

I lowered my eyes, turning them away from her.

"It's not that easy Erza," I told her.

The girl walked forward and for a second I thought she was going to hit me but she came to a stop right in front of me, her eyes piercing through mines. I can see the raw emotions behind her eyes.

"Neither of us are the same people we were back then," I told her, "I didn't know whether if you will still be the same girl I knew back then, or maybe, If I was just a coward about meeting you."

"You still should have given me a sign…or something to know that I wasn't alone out there," she said.

I gave her a smile, thought she can't see it from beneath my mask.

"You're hardly alone now are you?" I told her glancing at where Fairy Tail was, "You have Fairy Tail."

Erza turned her gaze toward where the members of the guild were.

"And you were with Phantom Lord."

"Not exactly by choice," I told her, "Now there is something I have to do."

I started to walk toward where Fairy Tail was and hear Erza following after me.

"What are you planning to do?" she asked, in a curious tone.

I gave her a glance, and sideway glance.

"Just to talk with your guild members," I told her.

As I approached closer, I noticed the members turning to glance toward us, well mostly toward me. I can see they have some mistrust in their eyes and even some of them were showing curiosity. I came to a stop a few feet away from them.

"Some of you may or may not know who I am," I spoke out, my voice carrying out, "My name is Eve, the Golden Angel of Phantom Lord, and I am here to settle matters in my own hands."

"You think you can take on Fairy Tail all by yourself?" a member yelled out.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Haven't you Phantom Lord bastards done enough already?"

I raised my hand toward RuneSave and notices how some of them tensed up as if I was really going to attack them but I simply placed RuneSave on the ground beside me, and then I lowered myself to my knees, bowing down till my forehead touch the ground.

I could hear some voices speaking in confusion at what I was doing.

"While I know it's not going to make up for what my guild has done in the last few hours," I said, "I hope you accept my sincere apologies on behalf of Master Jose and all of what Phantom Lord has done."

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