Chapter 101 - Eve Sings, We Rock Fairy Tail Style

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The next morning, when I woke up, I can see sunlight filtering inside from the window, making me realize that I actually did sleep till the next day. Groaning softly, I started to seat up as the cover that was upon my form fell back down upon the bed.

I glanced down at it, confused for a moment wondering where it came from. I knew when I fell asleep I didn't have a cover upon my body and because of how tired I was, I was out like a light. A small smile grew upon my lips as I realized that Erza must have been the one to do it and considering the later was absent from the room, it was probably her that did it.

I glanced at the clock on the wall noticing that it was already past one in the afternoon. I had slept through the entirety of last night and through this morning. Yawning, I left the bed and walked through the room so I could take a shower and start my day.

A few minutes later, I was walking through Magnolia, humming a song underneath my breath as I made my way toward the Fairy Tail guild. There were still wet spots from the rain of yesterday, so it holds a light chill in the November air around me. It reminded me of how it can get during Canadian winters with the rain that always fall before the snow arrives.

When I stepped through the guild's door, everyone was drinking and partying up the room and I can even see them chugging on some drinks. I was honestly not surprised by this anymore for Fairy Tail looked for any reason to start a party.

My eyes went toward the top of the building finding the large banner that bare the words WELCOME BACK LISANNA written upon it. I smiled to myself. I should have known that the guild would have thrown her a party for her return.

"Hey Eve," Gajeel yelled, startling me throwing his arm around my shoulder, "Nice of you to finally join the party."

"What the hell…Gajeel, you scared the crap out of me," I said, placing a hand upon my racing heart.

"Whatever," he said, "Say Eve my cat will totally win this fight right?"

I stared at him, confused.

"What?" I repeated.

A grin grew upon the Dragon Slayer's face.

"My Lily is the strongest cat there is and there is no way that Salamander's will win," he said grinning widely.

I continued to stare at him, completely confused.

"When did you get a cat?"

"Back in Edolas," he said, "Since Salamander and that little girl got a cat so it's my turn to have a cat and it's that strong one I got from Edolas."

I continued to stare at him for a few seconds as I suddenly become a little suspicious of him. That image of him covered in scratch behind the dumpsters sprung into my mind. He seems a little too happy to have a cat now.

"Tell me Gajeel, does this have anything to do with you digging around the dumpsters before the entire Edolas mess started?" I asked.

He looked away.

"I don't know what you're talking about,"

He's lying.

I took hold of his head and threw him face first into the table in front of us.

"Hey…what the hell Eve?" he yelled.

"That's what you get for lying to me you little sneak," I yelled at him.

"Well you're certainly energetic."

Lucy, Gray and Erza were there. The group was together thought Lucy had a drink in her hand as she observed me.

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