Chapter 100 - Return to Earth Land

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The first thing I felt when the light had disappeared from my vision was the feel of the rain falling upon my form. It was a pouring rain too, coming down like a gale upon my body, soaking me to the bones in seconds...and the second feeling was of falling.

Before I could even gather myself, I was slammed upon the wet grassy ground upon my back causing me to wince as the wind was knocked out of me and then another weight landed right upon me causing me to let out a gasp as a female voice let out a short yell and I could feel pain growing upon my body.

"That's…going to leave a mark," I gasped out as the rain continued to fall upon my face.

"I'm sorry…," the female voice said, "I'm so sorry…,"

I found myself looking into two baby blue eyes that for one wild seconds, I thought that they were Mirajane's eyes…but before I could actually speak, the person's entire face stared to register. She had short white hair, which stuck upon her face thanks to the water and some strings were stuck together as they fell forward considering that she was on top of me. Her face was also younger than Mirajane but even if it was younger, the resemblance was almost uncanny.

I knew who that face belongs too…

"It's okay," I told her as she removed herself from me, "I'm just glad that I didn't broke anything."

The white haired girl nodded, and she glanced around herself.

"Just where are we?"

I glanced around and already, the familiar feel of the Ethernano in the air started to caress against my skin, almost like it was welcoming me back. I let out a soft smile.

"We're back in Earth Land," I told her, "And probably somewhere outside of Magnolia."

The white haired girl glanced at the direction that I was looking at.

"Magnolia…," she whispered.

I stood up, reequipping myself into a rain coat. I glanced at the girl that was still seating on the ground with a sad look upon her features. I approached her and took a coat and placed it upon her form. She looked at me, surprised.

"It must have been a while since you've been here right Lisanna Strauss?"

Her eyes went wide.

"You know who I am?" she asked, shocked.

"Mira mentioned you to me in passing," I told her with a little smile, "And you look almost exactly alike except you have shorter hair than she does."

"I…You're the Earth Land version of Commander Frost from the Edolas Royal Army?" she said.

I smirked.

"Yep," I told her, pulling her up, "C'mon, let's go find the others, they should be nearby considering we appeared here."

Holding upon her hand, I walked forward with her sensing the area for any magical energy and I quickly felt Natsu's smoldering ones not too far away from where I was. Smirking a little, I made my way toward where it was.

"How long have you been part of Fairy Tail?" Lisanna asked.

I thought about it.

"It's been two and a half months," I answered her, "It's been quite an experience."

Lisanna let out a soft laugh.

"I'm sure," she said.

Then I looked up, sensing some magical energies going by and soon enough, a large number of Exceeds where flying above us going off somewhere. Lisanna must have noticed it as well…

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