Author's rant

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I know.Your wondering why the heck am i ranting my problems in my book am i right? Becuz i can duh

Ehem.. Let's start the Author's rant. Btw y'all don't go complaining on me okay? I literally post more than three chapters a day. Think this as your payment or something. Anyways, let's continue..


😶 : Me not replying to our section's gc because i have no friends and i always only seen, Cause i overthink that if i reply what if they think I'm not even part of their conversation? Even though two of them are begging for everyone to chat. I can't just do it. There's so many times i wanted to reply but i get too awkward. Help, what do i do? Joke even if you guys tell me what to to, to finally have friends I'm too coward to do it. :')


😆: Me when i read our gc's chat. Cause my classmates keep taking pictures of each other and blackmailing and sending them to gc to make them a meme. Then i laugh when one of the f2f student said to the online class student "Gurl, enjoy online class while it last. I feel like I'm in a spy mission on how careful i am if someone is secretly taking picture of me to use as blackmail."

😧: Me when i realize i don't have any friends and they don't take notice of me. Then i get upset of how i said last year if i go to a new school I'll be social but it ends up being another dream that can't come true. Then i started frowning and becoming sad while i watch my classmates chat in gc laughing, joking and being buddy-buddy with each other. Then i started to truly realize how alone i feel but I'm too of a coward to make the first move.


😄: Me when i finally got mention in gc by the what you call 'popular girl' in class, Only because i was the cousin of the 'popular boy' in the other section that is mostly close with my other particular classmates.

😕: Then the next day i realize it's just a one time thing and they just mentioned me because i went home first when me and my cousin were supposed to go home together.


😞: Me when i realize that I'm too lonely and my dad is starting to ask if i have any new friends. And i could only nod quietly when my dad says that my cousin is popular because of how frequently he goes out with his group of friends after school. While i head home straight or wait for my cousin or possibly come with them to a hangout but still felt left out. Then yesterday this is my exact expression when i thought my cousin had 'left' me. We were supposed to wait for eachother by the gate and go home together. But when i did get to the gate i didn't saw him and his section got out first earlier than my section. Then i waited for a few minutes after finally giving up and heading to home alone.

😕: Me after a few minutes after getting home when i saw the 'popular girl' asked my cousin if he founded me yet in gc. He said "No, she probably gone home by now." And i tried to act cool and chatted in gc saying, "Yeah, cause you weren't there." The 'popular girl' said "(Cousin name), tsk tsk your feet is really energetic huh?" Then i replied again and said, "Yeh, next time no waiting anymore (Cousin name)" After that i was 'forgotten' again.


😵: Me right now when i realized all my classmate are doing their assignment while I'm here sharing and ranting my problems that I'm sure no one cares about.

.... Shit

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