Chapter 31 - I remember...

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I watched as the Fairy Tail guild came closer and closer with each steps that our walking guild made. I stared at it noticing that their members had started to come out of the large backdoor. From the lacrima vision, I can notice their shocked and horrified faces as they watched the guild came closer and closer to them, and standing along with her fellow guild mates was Erza with her hair dripping wet and dressed with only a towel.

"Prepare the convergent cannon Jupiter," Master Jose said from where he sat, a dangerous gleam appearing in his eyes.

"Master Jose…is that really necessary?" I asked him, "Using the Jupiter Cannon will draw the attention of the Magic Council…"

"I will deal with that on its own time," Master Jose answered, "And I am doing them a favor after all, I know how wordy those Council members have become against Fairy Tail. They will probably thank me for taking care of this torn on their side."

From outside, a mural within the guild slowly lowered itself down and then the large cannon extended out aiming straight toward the guild.


"Yes sir," one of the coordinator said.

Magic energy started to gather at the end of the cannon and then the blast was fired, aiming straight for the guild, spreading the seawater that it flew over and then white overtaken the Fairy Tail building standing at the end of the attack. I watched the lacrima vision, as tense seconds passed with smoke completely covering the entire screen but as they dissipated, a shadow appeared within it and then the Fairy Tail guild stood, not looking as if it was hit at all.

The only evidence that the cannon was fired was the large crater that had formed from reaching the Magnolia shores and then a downed Erza on the ground covered in bruises, along with a few members gathered around her.

"Activate the Speaker Lacrima," Master Jose ordered.

"Yes sir….Lacrima speakers activated."

The man smirked to himself, enjoying the sight that he was seeing from the lacrima vision.

"First Makarov, and now Erza is unable to fight," he said and I can hear his voice echoing from outside drawing the attention of the Fairy Tail wizards, "You don't stand a chance. Hand over Lucy Heartfilia to us immediately."

His words seems to have the opposite effect he probably was hoping for the Fairy mages were all clamoring in anger at him completely refusing but Erza and Natsu's voice were the loudest.

"We rather die than hand over one of us," she yelled.

"Don't bother waiting," the Fire Dragon Slayer yelled, "For our answer ain't going to change."

I shook my head lightly.

They're really protective of her, I thought.

Master Jose, however, was getting rather pissed off at the exchange.

"Very well…then you will have another taste of Jupiter after the fifteen minutes reload time," he yelled, "By then you will only have two choices Fairy Tail, get killed my soldiers, or die by Jupiter."

On the lacrima vision, a large number of Shades were appearing and aiming straight toward where the members of Fairy Tail were standing. I stood there watching the battle taking place in front of me.

"Juvia," Master Jose said turning toward us, "I want you patrolling the guild along with the rest of the Element Four and keep any Fairies out of it."

"Yes Master," Juvia said before running out of the room.

"What about me?"

"I want you to capture Lucy Heartfilia."

I blinked.

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