Chapter 163 - The Eclipse Project

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Chapter Cover: Erza seating on a beach wearing her swimsuit and glasses on with Eve lying down on her front on the ground beside her

Arcadios had led us at the doorstep of the royal Palace.

During my stay here in Crocus, I have taken notice of the giant castle that stood in the middle of the city and even at a distance, the mere size of the building was impressive but to stand right in front of it, impressive seems to be too much of a polite word to describe the large building that towered right in front of us. I had my eyes wide, taking in the numerous towers. Every windows of the palace was light up giving it an even grander and imposing presence within the city.

"Holy cow," Natsu said shocked as he was staring up toward the castle in front of us.

"It's huge," Gray said.

"It's Mercurius," Wendy said, "The lumineria Palace."

"This is His Majesty's home," Arcadios announced.

"It's definitely a place fit for a King," Lily said staring, with a very curious look in his eyes.

"Are you sure we're allowed to go inside?" Happy asked.

"Yes," Arcadios said, "But before we enter, I'd like to extend your guild my most humble apologies. My misguided actions had placed one of your members in harm's way."

I frowned lightly.

"What do you mean by that?" Natsu asked.

"Hold on," Carla said, "Are you talking about that bunch of idiots that accidently kidnapped Eve?"

We were now walking inside the castle and we were now walking through a large hallway. This entire Palace was a little too big for my taste as even the ceiling which was high above us in the air seemed to be too high for me to even take a chance to look at it. What Arcadios said, however, had dragged my attention toward his turned back.

I can still remember the people who entered inside the infirmary a few days ago and kidnapped me by using tranquilizer attack upon me so that they could knock me out. I had a frown upon my face as I stared at hi.

"So…you're the one who was behind my kidnapping," I said, "I had theorized that it might have been an outsider…I never imagined it could have been someone from the Army."

"My intention was never to harm anyone," Arcadios said, "I was just far too aggressive with my orders. I had falsely believed that Lucy was our only hope of acquiring the Celestial Wizard we so desperately needed. It was a lapse in judgment for that I beg for your forgiveness."

"Just don't make it a habit," I told him.

Arcadios gave me a sharp nod before he turned his attention forward again.

"In truth," he continued, "The Grand Magic Games is a ruse…or rather, a mechanism for siphoning magic power from the participants."

"So you've been stealing power from the Participants for years?" Gray asked, sounding shocked at what the man was revealing to them.

"So it was just a big cover-up?"

"How deplorable."

"That's messed up."

I frowned to myself.

Jellal said that he had been sensing a strange magic coming from the Games for the past few years now, I thought, Could it be that this strange device that is causing that magic reminiscent of Zeref is the cause behind it.

"You're certainly entitle to your own opinions on the matter," Arcadios said simply, "But I firmly believe that the end justify the means in this case."

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