Chapter 150 - Beneath the Silver eyes

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Chapter Cover: Eve holding a golden lightsaber as she was countering blasts aiming at her, and at her side Erza was holding a blaster and firing it at stormtroopers that were around them.

The city of Crocus expended below the balcony, with the moon shining quite brightly. The houses were light up from the inside with the light of their lacrima shining through the windows. A soft wind was blowing through the air around me as I stared down at them from my position of leaning upon the stone railing. Beside me, Erza was there as well, the redhead having fallen silent ever since I told her that I would reveal everything to her.

"Do you remember back at the Tower of Heaven?" I asked her, keeping my eyes upon the city beneath us, "back when I died in your arms?"

"I will never forget it," Erza said.

"It was that day I realized who I was," I said, "I did die that day Erza…and I wouldn't have been able to come back if it wasn't for my mother's soul who was still inside of me and keeping me tied to this world. She was the one who sent me back and her soul disappeared from within me leaving behind her magic inside of me…"

Erza gave me a glance.

"Her magic?"

I nodded, turning my attention at her.

"You have come face to face with it," I said, "It's that same magic that you had used RuneSave and tries to seal it away."

A shining look appeared in her eyes as she thought back to that day.

"That power," she said, "But I don't understand…how is it that your mother's soul ended up within you?"

I smiled a little as I thought back to everything my mother told me about that strange spell she had used when I was nothing but a baby.

"She used a spell known as Golden Abyss," I started, thinking back, "While I don't know the full reason as to why she had done this, I do know however that something was had happened to me when I was a baby so my soul couldn't contain my own magic energy so she had used that power to drawn another soul from beyond the Void to help heal it."

A light frown crossed my features.

"It worked," I told her, "But the soul she managed to pull into me...I had gotten all of the memories of that Soul."

Erza frowned.

"I don't understand?"

I let out a soft sigh.

"I remember living another life Erza," I told her, "I remember having another mother and father…I remember having different friends and family…I remember growing older and I remember a place different than anything I have seen in Fiore…and I also remember the day that I died…and the day I was reborn…"

The redhead's eyes went wide.

"It was disconcerting," I continued, "I had memories of being an adult and yet, my body was that of a young child. How I became to be part of Fiore is something that I didn't understand at all and I couldn't understand how I remember my life beyond this one…beyond being Eve."

"That's why you were always so calm back then wasn't it?" Erza asked, "I remember thinking that you sounded a little like Grandpa Rob…"

"I may be old but I am not that old," I told her with scandalized look.

The redhead gave a light chuckle.

"No…no you aren't," she said.

I gave her a smile again. Erza's expression became serious after a while and I knew what she was going to ask. She was going to be asking about my power…the one that my mother had left behind for me, and as I expected of her, she asked about it.

Child Of Heaven (Fairy Tail Erza x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now