Chapter 167 - Blade of Vengeance

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Chapter Cover: Kagura back to back with Eve and the shadow of the Jellal above the duo

I stood there staring at the girl across me. This change of personality was quite startling. It was a sharp contrast from the girl who smiled at me during the first Days of the Grand Magic Games. Kagura was someone that I considered to be a friend and her brother is still alive because of my actions. I was a little confused as to why she was aiming all of that venom she had straight at me. I don't remember doing anything to anger her lately…at least, as far as I know.

I decided to give voice to my confusion.

"This is quite a contrast from our interaction during the First Day," I told her, "I get it that we're on different sides in the Games but…"

Kagura's magic surged around her form as she moved forward aiming straight at me and before I could move she was upon me, her eyes hard and cold as her sword came at me. I aimed RuneSave to block the attack but then Kagura spoke out.

"Archenemy, Slash Mode," she said.

Despite blocking, her attack reached me and I felt pain surging through my body at the attack and blood flew out of the wound that had appeared upon my body causing me to wince at it. That technique of hers have gotten deadly over the seven years I have been gone and her power was amazing too if she had managed to get me so quickly and early in the fight.

Kagura came at me again, with her amazing speed moving forward with her sword attack again but I raised my arm blocking the attack that was coming straight at me causing the girl to widen her eyes at what I just did.

"You…pared my attack…with your hand?"

I stared at her.

"If you're going to continue attacking me with such a weak attack, then don't bother attacking at all," I answered.

Kagura frowned to herself at what I just said before jumping back from me, holding her sword at the ready. I lowered my arm toward the ground and blood dripped down my arm and into the ground beside me from the place I was standing. I glanced down at the wound that had appeared there and at the red blood that was falling down upon the ground.

"You've managed to wound me without even drawing out your sword," I said, "You really are the strongest out of Mermaid Heel."

I gazed toward her as I placed my hand upon RuneSave and drew out the weapon from its shaft. The katana gleamed in the sun as the design of feathers upon it started to glow a soft gold color. Holding the sword now, I turned my gaze toward Kagura and spoke.

"Draw your sword out."

Kagura seems shocked at the request.


"If I am going to fight against you Kagura," I said, "I'm going to need you at your best."

Kagura stood there, probably unable to believe what I just asked her to. I stared at the girl across me, keeping my face blank of all emotions. I remember Millianna's word well when Erza and I met her back during the Second Night of the Grand Magic Games.

"From what I know of your time here in the Games," I told her, "You've never once go all out against anyone. My sister even commented that despite everything that was going on in the Games, you always seems to holding back and even Millianna said that you were holding back your power, and I am sure she mentioned my wish to fight against you and the reason I wanted to right."

Kagura actually looked pissed off at me as she glared at me. The magic around her seems to rise even higher as she placed her other hand upon the handle of the Archenemy sword. The wraps that were around the blade slowly fell off revealing the entire handle of the weapon.

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