Chapter 143 - The Grand Magic games

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Chapter Cover: The Domaus Flau view from the sky looking down toward the field.

Roar of cheers were echoing all around the completely full Domus Flau. Everyone was completely energized and waiting for the Games to finally start now that eight teams had finally started. They were the booms of fireworks as the celebration for the start of the Games had begun.

"Man, listen to those cheers,"

Gajeel was staring at the entrance of our tunnel that leads straight out toward the ground of the Arena. He was dressed in his ordinary clothes with both of his arm crossed together. His eyes were focused upon what was happening in front of him and he didn't seem to be really worried about what was going to happen.

I was leaning on the wall across him, my long blue hair falling down upon my shoulders.

I was dressed in a kimono which was black in all account but instead of the long pants, it was a short skirt, showing my legs to the world. I was wearing some sandals as well with socks as well. After dressing similarly for the past two months since I begin my training with my sword, I did it without even thinking about it. RuneSave was at my waist, the handle of the blade coming upward so that I could draw it out at the first sign of trouble.

I was listening to the crowds cheering for a while now and it kind of got me nervous a little after all this was an event that was broadcasted all over Fiore with millions watching. I sometimes wonder if that's how World Cup players feel when they are about to play a match or something of the likes?

"Hey Eve," Laxus called out, "I didn't see you use that Feather Magic of yours when we were in the Labyrinth at all."

I looked up toward the blond man a look of surprise crossing my features at him asking about it. I let out a soft chuckle as I shook my head.

"Well, I can't use it anymore," I told him.

A look of surprise actually crossed Laxus's face at that. Mirajane who was beside Juvia turned at my admission, her blue eyes growing wide with surprise.

"You lost your magic?" he said.

"It's the reason I went training for the past two months," I told him, "While I did use that time to sharpen my skills with a sword as well as my speed, my magic is the one thing I didn't get back during the training but…I did get something for my effort."

"You can use some other type of magic?" Laxus inquired.

I nodded at him.

"Yes," I said.

"Are you any good at it?"

I thought about it.

"Well it's not like I had anyone else to actually fight using magic. The Samurai are good swordsmen…probably even the best in Fiore but in battles that use magic…they could be defeated too quickly for me to have an actual training…but that didn't mean I didn't practice and perfect my newfound powers."

Laxus seems to accept this explanation

"You know," Gajeel said, "You're not usually all mysterious and all."

A small smirk worked upon my face.

"Well spending two months training and reevaluate your entire existence might have something to do with that," I chuckled.

A confused look appeared upon his face at what I just said but he didn't press it.

"How exactly did you lose your powers?" Mira asked.

"A mistake on my part," I told her, "A stupid and foolish mistake."

The image of my Demon self appeared in my mind again. Ever since I had accepted myself, there has been just silence from her. But I should have expected that after all, I had sealed her away myself…

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