Chapter 133 - An Old Ghost Return

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Chapter Cover: Jellal standing alongside Ultear, Mui and Meredy all of them wearing Crime Sorciere robes upon their forms.

The figure stood in front of me without turning around. The cloak he was wearing, a long blue colored one danced lightly in the wind as he approached the fallen guy until he stood right in front of him. Then, he leaned forward upon him and pulled upon the person.

"Are you going to tell me where the base is now?" he asked, "Considering your men have all been defeated."

The man with the hammer stared at him.

"I know your face…," he said, "You…?"

"Tell me where it is now," the man continued, "Unless you want to join your friends into a world of pain?"

The hammer guy looked away from him.

"I don't know where they had holed up alright," he said, "All I ever received from them was little Jobs to keep my guild above the flood. These guys don't tell me nothing…I just met with their information every month for a new assignment."

"When is the next meeting taking place?" the man asked.

"In two days," the hammer guy said.

"Good," he said, "Now tell me the location of this meeting."

"I…It's on Lilium Forest," he said, "Just by the large Willow tree."

"Thank you," the man said before knocking him out.

The hammer guy fall down like a stone and the guy stood straight back up. I stayed seated upon the ground staring at his turned back for a few moments before the young man turned to face me. He had blue hair falling around his face and the face looked older than I remembered his to be since the last time I saw him back at the Tower of Heaven, but he still has the familiar tattoo upon his face right eye as his green eyes met mine.

"Je…Jellal," I whispered.

The young man looked surprised at me for a few moments.

"Eve?" he said shocked, "W…What? How are you here?"

I got back to my feet.

"Looking for you," I told the young man.

There was a change upon his face at that. He looked apprehensive for a few moments before looking back toward the fallen man on the ground behind him. Jellal then turned to face me.

"Are you alone?" he asked.

"You don't have to worry about anyone finding us here," I told him, "I started this little side quest of mine ever since I learned of your…break-out of prison thanks to Mui. Considering that you know my name and recognized me, you've regained your memories?"

Jellal stared at me for a few moments before, a small smile appeared upon his lips.

"I see some things just doesn't change with you," he said, "You still sounds the same as you did back then."

I looked away from him, feeling my cheeks grow warm at his compliments. I heard his footsteps and I looked back up at him again, finding the young man right in front of me.

"Considering that you haven't changed a bit," he said, "I presume that the others are all right? Everyone who had been on Tenrou Island then."

I looked at him. He wanted to know if Erza was alright…that was something I just knew that he was after.

"We did come back," I told him, "Every one of us made it out…even Erza."

Some relief appeared in the depths of his eyes.

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