Chapter 172 - Awakening Soul

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Chapter Cover: Eve standing back to back with Mui as they both had a smirk upon her faces.

The weapon aimed straight down toward Eve's unmoving form and then Eve's body suddenly disappeared leaving the attack to destroy the ground the girl's form had been laying on just a few seconds before. The green eyes widened in shock at what had just happened to the girl's form that was right in front of her.

Then to her shock, the ground she was standing on suddenly felt soft like sand and Sakura had glanced down toward the ground beneath her noticing that the solid concrete she was standing on had become soft and she could feel like she was sinking into the very ground beneath her.

"W…What?" she said shocked, "What the hell…?"

"Sorry I can't have you killing her," a male voice spoke out, "I will never be able to face Samara if I let her die without able to do anything."

Sakura looked up at the voice finding a young man standing across her with one of his hand raised toward her while the other was holding Eve's form against his body. His cloak was dancing behind him in the wind as his dark hair danced lightly as well. His eyes were frowning lightly at he was staring at her and Sakura can feel as if she had seen him before…

Mui stared down at Eve's unconscious form that was leaning into him. The girl was completely out of it and her skin was unbearably warmer than normal and it worried him. The young man stared at the girl and he feared something was wrong with her since even her magic was almost non-existent. It was like the last time when she had lost all of her magic power back during when Jellal sealed her magic away with RuneSave's power.

"You're Mui aren't you?" the woman across him said.

Mui stared up toward her, feeling his eyes narrow lightly at the girl. It was that girl that was going to kill Eve without batting an eyelash. The girl was vaguely familiar to him and it made him wonder what type of history did Eve had with her for things to lead up to her for going to murder Eve in cold blood like this. Mui had already lost someone close to him and he wasn't able to do anything to help Samara, but he'll be damned if he simply let Eve die before him.

"Now I've got you trapped in my Trapping Concrete," he said, "You won't be moving about."

The woman across him actually narrowed her eyes as magic surged from around her body and Mui feel his eyes narrowing at the strange familiar feeling that was coursing through his being at the moment. He didn't know why but somehow…this strange magic was familiar to him. He was confused as to why it was so familiar considering he had never met this woman before in his life.

"You really think a little spell like that will be enough to hold me," she said, "Think again."

Her power exploded around her causing the spell he had her trapped in to dissipate around her body revealing that she was still standing on firm ground. The young woman had this angry look upon her features as she was staring at him.

"Illusions magic are not my favorites," she said, "I don't have any quarrel with you Mui, so how about you simply step aside and let me kill her."

"What is your beef with Eve?" Mui asked, tightening his grip upon the unconscious girl with his other arm.

The girl frowned.

"None of your business," she said before disappearing in a swift movement.

Mui was surprised at how fast she was and he had barely blocked the attack that had aimed straight toward his head and he grit this teeth at the power behind the said kick. He was surprised at the amount of power that was behind it and as she was pushing him, but the young man was still standing despite the powerful attack and with a yell he pushed her back with the same arm he blocked her from causing the girl to jump backward from the attack.

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