Chapter 63 - Battle at Kardia Cathedrale

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We both ran through the streets together, searching for Laxus as time ticked by. With the girls now free from the putrification spell, that would mean that Laxus won't be able to move on with his plan…meaning he will have to result into another way of twisting Master Makarov's hands.

I glanced up toward the sky above me taking notice of the floating lacrimas in the sky. I frowned to myself before coming to a stop. That drew Erza's attention too.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

"I think it will be best if we separate," I told her.

Erza was confused.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Freed had runes and trap all over the city," I told her, "I don't want either of us to get caught in his enchantments that will either force us to fight or do something else."

Erza frowned.

"You may have a point," she said, "Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"I'll be fine," I told her, "It will take more than that to take me down remember?"

Erza looked a little conflicted but she nodded.

"If you're sure," she said.

I summoned my wings.

"I'm sure," I told her, "I'll watch over in the air to see if I can spot him from up there…you'll take the ground."

Erza smiled.

"Good luck," she said.

I returned her smile before flying off in the air.

Now that we were separated, Freed won't be able to use his enchantments to trap the two of us into fighting each other. If he was going to attack us right now, he is going to attack, he will have to take us one by one…

I smirked to myself as I glanced around myself before I felt a large amount of magic energy coming from the river that wasn't too far away from where I was. I frowned upon myself sensing the powerful magics that were being unelashed and one of the magic…felt demonic for some reason…

Could it be Mira's Take-Over ability.

I instantly made my way toward where I have felt it and I caught sight of Elfman and he had Juvia and Cana with him but to my shock, Juvia was on the ground unconscious.

"Juvia," I called.

The two glanced up, noticing me coming toward them and I landed on the ground across them.

"Eve," Cana called.

"What happened to Juvia?" I asked looking at my unconscious friend.

Elfman who was leaning beside her shook his head and I quickly made way toward her and softly touched her cheek.

"She is still alive," Cana rassured me, drawing my attention toward her, "But Freed caught us in a enchantment to force us to fight each other, but Juvia attacked one of the floating lacrima instead of fighting me…but the lacrima's lightning magic got rebounded upon her."

I was confused.

"It rebounded…but that could only mean…Body-Link Magic."

Cana nodded.

"Laxus is using Body Link magic to protect the Thunder Palace spell," Cana explained, "If any of us attacked them, we are going to be risking our lives doing so."

Suddenly a large blast of light covered the entire area drawing our attention at the two flying figures which were clashing in the sky above us. I was amazed at the shower of lights that were appearing and the thunderous explosion that echoed across us with each time the figure collided against each other.

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