Chapter 154 - Fall of the Raven

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Chapter Cover: Laxus standing with his arm crossed with raven feathers on the ground in front of him.

The cheers for my victory were still going on as I stood there in the middle of the Arena with my finger aimed straight toward the sky above me. I still had the small grin upon my lips. I could see the where the rest of the Fairy Tail guild were and they were all cheering at my win and I even saw Sakura jumping up and down at what I just did. With a small smile, I turned away from them and walked toward where the Team B was staying.

When I got closer to them Juvia took me in a hug and started jumping with me.

"You were so great," the young woman was saying, "Juvia can't help but be excited for the win."

"Nice job Eve," Mira said.

Laxus simply gave a nod of greeting at me. Gajeel was staring at me with that look upon his face, that look that said that he was puzzled about something that he had seen.

"Since when did you have your magic back?" he asked.

"Since when I woke up this morning," I answered him.

"Is that why you were so confident about the Games today?" Gajeel smirked.

"Well having my power back is a big ego booster," I told him with a small smirk, "I'm going to go and check on how Erza is doing. With how wounded she was during that crazy fight she did earlier."

Mira chuckled.

"I was actually surprised she decided to do something like this," the white haired girl told me, "The two of you did very well today, as your earned points for our guild."

I smiled at her before walking through the Arena many corridors. I needed to go and see how the redhead was doing now considering all the wounds she had upon her form when they had carried her off to the infirmary before I went through everything that had happened earlier. I can still the images of what she had done during the Pandemonium flashing through my mind as I walked forward. I had always thought that Erza was a beautiful girl and even more so ever since the first time I had became aware of my feelings for her.

But now that I know she loves me as well, and that she had become my girlfriend, just seeing her out there fighting was the craziest and yet most attractive things I have seen her done. When I had seen her standing there proud with that sword raised in the air, all I wanted to do was kiss her, and tell her that I was in love with her all over again.

Maybe I should get her something, I thought to myself, now that I think about it…the last gift I gave her was that thing I won during the Cherry Festival…

I reached the area where the Fairy Tail Team A was standing and Erza was standing there along with Lucy, Wendy, Natsu and Gray. The redhead glanced back toward me as I approached.

"Eve…," she said.

Natsu was there at my side in a flash, "That was some awesome show of magic earlier."

"He is right," Gray smirked, "I was a little surprised as well."

"What are you doing here anyway?" Lucy asked, glancing at me.

"Actually, I'm here to talk to Erza," I said.

"Sure," the redhead said, "What is it that you wanted to talk about?"

I took her hand.


"But they're going to start the battle part…," Erza said.

"Don't worry," I told her, "We'll be back soon enough so we wont' miss anything."

The redhead followed me through the hallway until we reached a door and I opened it and we stepped inside of it. It was an empty room as they were a few equipments lying about. There were old swords everywhere and there was also dust.

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