Chapter 166 - Minerva's Ruse

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Chapter Cover: Minerva seating upon a throne with a smirk upon her face as a Sabertooth tiger was sleeping beside her feet. (Ew)


Mavis Vermillion feel her eyes grow wide with surprise at the sight of the match-up that had appeared in front of her. Her eyes were fixed upon the sight of the two young women on the lacrima-tron in front of her. While she had expected two women to do battle according to her plans, the two women that she was seeing threw her plan completely off the rail.

Firstly, there was that blue haired girl, Eve Sky, who had subbed in at Erza's place. Mavis had been wary of the girl before, but she was slowly starting to trust in her, and so far, the girl had been following her plan to the letter so it wasn't all wrong but the arrival of the second young woman with the sword had managed to draw quite the attention.

Kagura Mikazutchi.

This was all wrong…it wasn't supposed to be Kagura there…it was Minerva that was supposed to be facing against her…

"Kagura," Makarov who was beside her said, "That wasn't part of the plan."

Mavis was shocked.

I…I made a mistake…

Tears started to gather in her eyes.

"I…was wrong…," she said, "How could this have happened…I'm so ashamed…,"

She sniffed.

"I'm not crying…I'm not crying at all…these kind of things happen you know…"

But she still ended up crying causing Makarov to call out to some of the member to comfort her.


But she still ended up crying causing Makarov to call out to some of the member to comfort her.

In the stands behind the First Master, Erza's eyes were instantly fixed upon the battle that had appeared in front of her. She knew that by just seeing Kagura there that the plan the First Master had crafted had become void. The young woman frowned to herself at the sight in front of her.

She could feel her worry for Eve surging forward but she hoped that Eve will be enough to take on Kagura, after all, that was what Eve had planned from the start.

"Oh no," Sakura Summers who was beside her said looking up toward the screen in front of her, "This is going to be difficult for Eve."

Erza gave her a sideway glance.

"Eve will pull it off," she said.

"You don't understand," Sakura said, "Kagura always hold back every year at the Games, and you already saw how strong she is. If she decides to go all out…"

Erza wasn't really surprised to hear that. Millianna had made that pretty clear when they had met each other a few nights ago. Erza turned her eyes toward the lacrima-tron in front of them, looking at Eve's features and she didn't find any type of fear upon that face.

Only a quiet determination that she had come to see on Eve's face whenever she was going to fight against someone…thought in the past it always had some type of shadow in those silver eyes but now, there was nothing of that.

And for some reason, it causes her to smile.

"She will be fine," Erza said, drawing Sakura's attention toward her, "Look at her, does the look on her face tell you that the look of someone who is going to lose?"

Sakura did look and it caused her to gasp lightly at the sight of the two.

"Have some faith in your sister," Erza told her, "Eve hasn't let us down yet in the Games so far right?"

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