Chapter 192 - Secrets in the Darkness

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Chapter Cover: Eve holding a torch beside Elizabeth who was looking at some writings on the walls.

The area we were in was an hallway. The walls were decaying and gray with the paints falling off in some places as vines were growing all over it's form. From how I was looking at it, the place was made out of stone, something that should have been quite a sight in it's prime but now it was a mere shadow of it's former self. The only sounds that we could hear was the sound of our breathing and our footsteps as we walked forward making our way through the hallway.

"What do you think this place was?"

Elizabeth's voice was subtle, and yet in the muted silence around us she might as well had shout it out. I glanced at her noticing how her attention was taking in the building around us, her eyes attentive as she inspected the walls and gently touching it.

"Can't really tell," I answered her, "It didn't look like a church."

"I don't think that it was one," Elizabeth said, her voice taking that self-knowing tone, "The architecture outside didn't point at any place of least not the ones I have on record."

I frowned lightly.

"I thought you said that the knowledge was lost?"

"Most of it is," Elizabeth answered giving me a sideway glance, "But the buildings, the architecture...anyone who had studied enough could have figured it out and with all the research I have done...I could see the difference that someone without the knowledge would miss."

I nodded at her.


We reached the end of the hallway which was an archway giving way into a larger room. It was a round room with a dirtied marble floor beneath our feet as we entered inside completely. I had my eyes wide with surprise as I stared up toward the large panting that hung from the walls above us thought some of them were completely destroyed by the time...others were intact.

"Woah," I said softly.

"You can say that again," Elizabeth said looking around the room, "This is...a grand Hall or something."

I stared around and noticed the door that wouldn't open when we were on the outside and as I was staring at it, I noticed that the door were sealed shut from the inside something that was a little curious to tell you the truth.

"The door... it was sealed shut."

Elizabeth's eyes glanced at the door for a brief second.

"Must have wanted to keep something out," she said.

"Or someone," I mumbled.

Elizabeth's attention however was already turned toward the large paintings that adorned the walls that were around us. The girl was gently mumbling to herself as she stared at them and I returned my attention toward her and found that she was already on the other side of the room, standing in front of the painting that was undamaged. I walked toward her and came to stand beside the young woman.

"...centuries old...," she said, "But...could it be their God?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"You remember in that letter I read," Elizabeth said giving me a sideway glance, "The man mentioned the name Chronos...saying that he needs to watch over them all."

"I remember," I told her, "You think that's him?"

"Look at all the paintings around us," Elizabeth said, "This is easily the largest one. If they actually worshiped Chronos...don't you think that they would make him have the largest painting?"

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