Chapter 124 - Inner Fear

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Chapter Cover: Eve standing alone with the shadow of her Demon self behind her.

The blonde girl looked to be completely helpless as she carried her unconscious companion. The girl looked a little worried as she stared at us setting on the inside and several people, including myself and Mirajane made our way toward the girl form.

"Please," Lucy said, "Help her."

"What happened?" Mirajane asked her as she took hold of the girl's form in her arms.

"I just walked by her earlier and she collapsed out of nowhere," Lucy said, "I didn't know where else to bring her."

Mira glanced at the young woman that was beside her and turned her attention forward.

"Then let's take her to the infirmary," the white haired girl said, "We'll have Wendy take a look at her and maybe send Jet after Porlyusica to come and heal her."

"Oh please," the little bird spoke out, his voice high, "Help Éclair…"

I glanced at the small bird, feeling an odd sense of familiarity coursing through me as I stared down at him. I didn't know why I felt like this but I didn't think much of it but gave the small bird a small smile.

"Hey don't worry about it," I told him, "Your friend is in good hands among us."

The small bird glanced at me for a few seconds before flying into the guild following after the unconscious girl that Lucy had brought in. Mira had instantly made it's way toward where they were taking the unconscious girl. I stared after the flying bird.

Something about the bird felt…odd to me. I could feel the magic because of my strange connection to the Ethernano in the world and I could feel it flowing within the wizards in the world but when I looked at this small bird…the Ethernano felt oddly different…like it was more potent unlike Happy and Carla which were average for Exceeds.

"Something the matter?"

Sakura had approached me and the pink haired girl looked a little worried considering that I was just standing there at the doorway of the guild.

"That little bird felt strange," I said to her.

Sakura glanced at it, "Is it an Exceed like Happy and Carla are?"

"I don't know," I told her, "That was strange even for me."

The girl nodded.

"So, you're staying at the guild for dinner?" she asked, "Miyu asked me to tell you to come over today."

I frowned.

"I was hoping to do some more research," I told her.

Sakura let out a soft sigh.

"Research about what exactly?" she asked, "Ever since you learned about Samara's death, you've been doing a lot of research at the town's Library…what's for?"

I glanced at her.

"Just some research about Ancient Magic," I told her, "With what happened on Tenrou Island and the magic that Grimoire Heart has under their control. It made me curious about a lot of things and a little research will probably help clear a lot of things up."

Sakura stared at me for a long moment.

"You're not going to start learning Dark Magic are you Eve?"

I stared at her, scandalized.

"What the hell makes you think about that?" I said, "I was simply satisfying my own curiosity about Zeref and everything."

Sakura gave a light smile.

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