Chapter 134 - Sealed

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Chapter Cover: Eve standing face ot face with her Demon and the latter had her hand around Eve throat and Eve had RuneSave at hers.

Lilium Forest

Two days later found Crime Sorcière and I making our way inside the forest. It was a cloudy day causing the entire surrounding trees to be completely covered with a grayish color. It was chillier than yesterday too, causing me to pull my cloak tighter around my body as I followed Jellal who was the one leading us forward.

"How much further?" Meredy asked.

"It's right up there," Jellal answered pointing.

Standing up ahead upon a small little hill was a large tree, much larger than any of the surrounding trees that were around us. They were large leaves dancing in the wind that blew through the area and I frowned to myself.

"That is a big tree," I murmured.

"It is," Ultear spoke, "Must be thousands of years old at most."

Jellal turned his attention toward us, his greenish blue eyes observing us.

"There is going to be a meeting going on there," he said, "The man that our friend was waiting for is due to arrive at any moment so here is the plan. I will go down there alone while you three stay there and hidden. From the amount of destruction that was caused last night, there is a chance that they might not show up."

"What if he recognizes you?" I asked him, "I don't want to be that person but your face is pretty well known around these parts."

Jellal smirked lightly before his body started go shine with light and then suddenly after, the man that had attacked me with the hammer stood in his place.

"A transformation magic," I said, "So that's what you had in mind."

The young man nodded.

"Yes," he said, "You guys know what to do correct?"

"Yes," Ultear said.

Meredy nodded and I did the same.

I followed the two women before I hid myself behind one of the trees which gave me a good view toward where the meeting place was situated. There were large roots of the willow which were growing all around the ground making the terrain around the tree uneven and rocky. Lush tall grasses covered most of them but few of the roots grew tall enough to be even higher than the grasses.

I turned my gaze to my left finding Ultear hiding place, the young woman's attention focused upon the task at hand and she had Meredy with her, the pink haired young woman looking at the location too. I looked down, finding that Jellal had reached the affronted meeting place and was looking around a little, probably searching for traps or anything of the like.

Maybe I can help, I thought.

I raised my hand to use my Heaven's Feather Resonance and conjured a small feather in my palm. The golden feather shone weakly causing me to frown in confusion.

What the hell? I meant to create a whole swarm of them…and I made only one? I thought.

"I told you," the dark voice whispered in my ear, "If you're not going to use my power…you won't have any power."

My eyes widened.

You want to have us killed, I thought.

"Your fear is what is going to have us get killed," the dark voice from within spoke out, "and I am not having any of it."

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