Chapter 76 - Eve Vs The Mistress

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I walked into the room, my clothes flying around my form as I stepped inside. It was completely still inside the room as everyone had turned their attention at my entrance. I can feel my anger bubbling within me as I take the room in, seeing the two people who were inside and then seeing Samara kneeling down upon the ground, tears falling from her eyes.

The man was blond and he was dressed importantly similar to one of the nobles of the country and he didn't look he was a member of the guild considering guild members are always dressed in ordinary clothes rather than rich ones. The woman beside him must be the Mistress then.

She was also blonde, but it leaned more toward the white blonde than other. She had one a well taken care of dress along with a wine glass in her hand. Her blue eyes were looking at me and she had a light surprise running through their depths.

"You managed to get past the Dark Trio," the woman spoke out, "I can honestly say that is an impressive feat. Not a lot of people can triumph over them."

I continued to walk toward them, feeling my tail dancing behind me at each step. With all that power surging through me, I felt…unstoppable. I can feel a light smirk growing upon my lips as I approached the two people that were probably behind everything that had happened since Samara had been taken from me these past few days.

"Samara," I spoke out, my wings growing from my back, drawing the girl's attention toward me, "Did these people make you cry?"

Samara let out a small nod as her body shoke with the sobs that were coming from her. I then turned my attention toward the two in front of me and I feel my magic energy growing as the gold strings of light danced around my body.

Then, I dashed straight forward aiming right toward the young man who had his eyes wide in surprise at being targeted, but before my punch could reach him, the woman was there blocking the attack with her palm causing a shockwave of power to shake the room we were in. The ground beneath her feet cracked as wind danced her outfit as her blue eyes met my own, but I was surprised by the hand she had used to block me.

It was completely covered with some kind of hard rock material which shone quite lightly from the power she was using.

"You're quite powerful," she said, "Is this the true power of the rumored Golden Angel?"

Angry, I launched out my other fist.

"Get the hell out of my way," I yelled.

"Diamond Burst," the woman spoke.

The sudden shockwave of magic blew me away from where I was and I can feel my hand throbbing in pain as I flew backward in the air but as I was going to fall, I placed my other hand down upon the ground to slow myself down before landing back in a crouch.

I looked toward the woman in front of me, narrowing my eyes.

"Bertrand," the woman said, "Take Samara and finish things up. This one will be a handful if she managed to defeat the Dark Trio."

"I'll leave it to you then," the young man Bertrand said before taking hold of Samara's form.

"Like I'll let you," I yelled, raising my hand at him, "Gold Demon Infernal Claw."

A large gold formed clawed hand made out of magic grew out of my arms and aimed straight toward the man but the woman had intercepted the attack with her arm transformed into diamond blocking the attack completely, a light smirk growing upon her lips.

"Your opponent is me now," she said, "So you'll best to focus upon that."

I narrowed my eyes at her.

"I told you before, get the hell out of my way."

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