Chapter-5 Confused

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Zaid comes near and hug y/n which startled her.
"How are you sister in law?"

"I..I am good zaid. What about you?"
Zaid pull away and smile at her.
"After seeing you I am perfectly fine. You are so beautiful noona."

Y/n shyly smile at his compliment,which make him giggle. Zaid signal the two girls. Bora comes to them. While Leena is still looking at Jungkook for any answer but seems like he is not interested.

"Hlo y/n myself bora."
She said hugging y/n who hug back and said.
"Nice to meet you."

"Same here. I am seeing you first time and it's great to meet you."

Y/n passed a smile.
"It's also my first time seeing you all guys. I never knew that J.Jungkook also have cousins."

Bora eyes widen in shock.
"Wait he didn't tell you about us?"

Y/n shakes her head in no. Bora glare at Jungkook and said to y/n.

"Don't worry I will see this muscle pig later. I am now so much hungry.
Bora said rubbing her tummy which y/n found cute. Zaid faced palm at bora's behavior and said.

"Noona don't mind her she is always hungry. She is actually a pig."
Y/n laughed and bora hit zaid who show his tongue to her.

"Why would I mind? It's good to eat. You all first freshen up dinner is ready."

"Wow,I am so excited to taste your handmade food. Where is my foo...I mean room."
Y/n chuckled and told her the room.

"Y/n please tell someone to bring my luggage."

"Ok I will."

"Noona mine too."
Zaid and bora went to their respective rooms. Y/n look at Leena who faked a smile and said.

"It's nice to meet you I didn't knew that Jungkook had"
Leena said looking her head to toe which makes y/n feel awkward.

"Haha hlo it's great to meet you too,please come. You should freshen up till then I will serve dinner."

"Whatever." Leena murmured and went upstairs. Y/n look at Jungkook who is already staring at her. She smiled and turns to kitchen direction.

"It's gonna be difficult."

All are sitting in dining area,y/n is serving them. Bora is eating like she didn't get food from years.

"Noona the food is delicious. You are great "

"Yeah the food is awesome "
Bora said with mouth full others laugh at her being done.

"Leena do you want more?"
Y/n asked her but she didn't give a glance at her.

"No thanks I will take by myself."

They all were chit chatting and talking about their life while y/n is sitting here hearing them. Suddenly Leena asked something which make all of them silent and y/n confuse.

"Do you know where is Mia Jungkook? Its been so long I had saw her."She glance at Jungkook who is staring at his plate.

"How will I know where she is?"
Leena fake surprised and said.

"Why? We all know you both were the closest and happy with each other."Leena side glance at y/n and saw her confused with expression.

"Seems like poor girl don't know about anything. It will be fun and interesting then"Leena thought and chuckled planning something.

"I am missing her so much afterall she was my best friend. I bet she also have been missing us specially you Jungkook. You remember how mia used to call you like five times in a day because her day can't went without you."

"And you know y/n Jungkook was crazy for her whenever we do something he always give his priority to mia. That's cute right."Y/n nodded with a nervous laugh. The girl even don't know who is Mia. But she feel weird when Leena said they used to be close to each other.

"Let's talk later first finish your food. I want to sleep."Zaid said changing the topic.

After finishing the dinner all went to their room. Y/n is doing dishes in the kitchen with several thoughts in her mind. Uneasiness made its way into her heart. She let the thoughts go away thinking maybe she is overreacting.

After completing the work y/n went inside their room. Jungkook was looking for some files y/n went inside the washroom. After changing she laid down on the bed and saw Jungkook collecting documents.

"Mia must be your close friend right?"
Y/n ask gaining Jungkook attention.

He replied without looking at her.

"You must be missing her."
"A lot." Jungkook put the files in drawer and laid down on the other side.

"You sho......"
"Can you please stop talking I want to sleep. I also have to go office tomorrow"

"I am sorry,good night."
Jungkook closed his eyes not minding to answer.

"Jungkook closed his eyes not minding to answer

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