Chapter-15 New Entry

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Hotel's Main Door flung open, someone entered inside with a black luggage in his one hand,attired in a complete black outfit. A small bag was hanging on one side of his waist while his eyes were covered with black shades.

His brown locks were falling on his forehead,which he brushed upward side with elegancy.

Someone passing by greeted him and as a respectable person he is he bowed back, with his enchanting smile. People's standing there were staring at him. Why won't? He has a type of aura whivh will pull you towards him.

His alluring smile,flawless skin,jawline. Hell,the boy is intimidatingly beautiful. Every single eyes were fixed on him. 

But does he care hell no.  The boy is used to all of loving and lusty gazes from people around him.
He just passed by them and stop near the receptionist area.

"Hello sir! How may I help you?"
The female greeted with a genuine smile
Internally the girl was dying,seeing a hot and handsome young man standing infront of her. No doubt his beauty was incredible and unexplainable.

"Definitely a hotel is defined for staying. So yeah! There must be a room booked on the name of Park Jimin."
Receptionist nodded with a embarassed face and requested him to let her check first. Did I forgot to mention,along with being kind park Jimin is very sassy? Even being sassy he sounds sexy.

(We are whipped for our mochi 😭)

"Found it! Room no.105 reserved on the name of Mr Park Jimin. Here is your room key sir,have a nice day." 
Jimin took the key. He nodded with a small smile and went away. As he left,the girl immediately put her hand on the place where his heart is beating insanely.

"Damn man! His presence is so effective."
She muttered under her breath before slapping her own forehead to get rid of his thoughts,but can she?

Jimin takes the elevator and entered inside
Glancing at his watch,he hissed in annoyance. Inserting the key ,Jimin opened the door and went inside. He didn't spare a glance at the room's interior. For now his priority is to not waste time. He is getting late for his work. Taking out clothes and a towel,he practically run towards the washroom.

Jimin got all ready,he close the room door and was about to again run,when a humming sound make him stop in his tracks. Tilting head he found himself standing infront of a door. Unconsciously he lean his ear on the door,now the boy can hear the melody more clearly. He swear,the voice was the sweetest yet along with a sweetness,the voice is referring another emotion.......
But what?

Jimin was sure if he had some amount of time,he might be leaning against the door like a psycho and listening to this unknown yet unique tone. But right now he can't do that. He have a very important meeting to attend.

And that's what he did. Jimin fixed his bag and went away with a thought in his mind.
"Hope! I can see you next time "

After a long discussion about the upcoming projects and meeting, Jungkook returned back to  hotel. It was already 8:00 of night.Turning to familiar corridor, the first thing the boy see was three young people's. Immediately recognising them,Jungkook call them,a bit loudly. The three head turns to his direction.

"Kookie! Where were you? You know I really wanted you to join us."
Leena loudly said, approaching him.

"Leena I am here for my work not to wander around. Nevermind Where were you all?"
Before Leena could say,zaid come forward and spoke.

"Hyung we went to pool side. I asked y/n noona to join us,but she got a headache."
Zaid's pouty face was clearly indicating how badly he wanted y/n to join them.
While Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed hearing about y/n.

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