Chapter-32 Not His Wife!

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Double update

Jungkook carefully laid down y/n on bed and adjusted pillows for her support before sitting on bed. She hissed as the pain increases more. Jungkook took one pillow,placed it under her feet before caressing the injured part of her ankle which has swollen now.

"Aahh! Please don't touch it." He immediately take back his hand and stood up as he saw doctor coming inside followed by almost every family member and friends with a worried face.

Jeon's family doctor Kim Jeong-ho checked y/n's ankle carefully. Mrs Jeon had already informed him about y/n's injury so he already took things with himself which will be needed.

"Don't worry the ligaments just got overstretched,it's a minor sprain." He took out an elastic bandage and starts to wrap around her ankle gently."

"The bandage will reduce the swelling. Along with it,I'll prescribe you some medicine,please buy them." After finish bandaging it he stands straight.

"It's a minor sprain but I'll advice to not walk for few days,you can ask help. If you will take proper care,it will heal in a week." Y/n nodded her head in understanding.

"Here are the medicines they will help to reduce the pain. I'll take my leave now." Taehyung take the paper from doctor's hand and gently bow down his head.

"Thank you so much for coming doctor." Mr Jeon said and they both weaved their way outside.

"Are you alright now dear?" Mrs Jeon concern for y/n was obvious and this make y/n smile lightly.

"Don't worry eomma it's fine now."
"Why this happened with you my child? I wish God did this to jungkook. My poor child." Mrs Jeon lovingly caressed y/n's head after dissing her own son who stare at her feeling betrayed.

"Mom! How could you say like this to your own son? It was not even my fault." Jungkook complained with a disbelief look on his face which make his friends laugh.

Mrs Jeon look at him with hands on her hip,glaring at him.
"Don't talk to me."

"Eomma why~?" Jungkook whined in sadness. He can't be able to decipher why his mother is behaving like this with him.

He didn't get any answer in return,his mom looked away from him. Jungkook's cheeks puffed up due to being again ignored by his mom.

"Aigoo!" Jin pull his cheek in adoration.
"HYUNG!" Jungkook screamed in pain.

"Ok ok you ungrateful brat."

"It must be paining right. I'll go and buy these prescribed medicines okay!" Taehyung said to y/n and left the room. Jin and jimin come to y/n.

"Don't worry y/n,You will be alright. And I am here to entertain you anytime. You won't feel alone." Jimin kindly said and received a sweet smile from y/n.

"What do he mean by anytime?" Jungkook mentally questioned and then rolled his eyes.

"You know y/n you should feel lucky that you got injured." Jimin frowned at Jin's words.

"And why hyung?"
"Because you will get a chance to eat my handmade, delicious food. Isn't it a golden chance for you?" Jin proudly said.

"Of course oppa!"
"Nice,you take rest and today is my day to shine. Well,it's nothing new to me because I always shines. Come-on aunty let me help you today." Jin said to Mrs jeon and they both left to make dinner.

"You should rest, I should help Jin hyung." Y/n nodded to jimin's words. After he left,there is only y/n and jungkook in room. When suddenly he remembers something.

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