Chapter- 10 Realisation

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Jungkook was in his cabin,going through some old files, checking the data's. It's already afternoon time and he is doing this work from the morning without any break. Sometimes it

Having a CEO post is not a piece of cake,you have to work until your every muscle got a cramp.
He massaged his forehead, feeling tired. That's when his cabin door got knocked.
Jungkook permitted without taking his eyes from the papers. The door got pushed from the other side and Jungkook's secretary peek his head.

"May I come in sir?"

Tony approach near the glass table and look at Jungkook who was drooling over the files.

His boss is actually very hard working.
For him, Jungkook is actually a inspiration doesn't matter if he is a cold and rude jerk.

"Boss your lunch." Tony saw some sparkles in his boss's eyes. Jungkook snap his head up and his eyes frantically moved down to Tony's hand, grabbing the box.

"Yes you can leave it here."
Tony obeyed and placed the box on the table and said.

"Enjoy your lunch boss."
"You too." The secretary bowed and went out, closing the door behind.

Jungkook eyes moved to the box,and in a swift motion he grab it before opening.
His nostrils filled with the flavourful smell of freshly prepared dishes,making his empty tummy to grumble in hunger.

The boy didn't waste a second and starts to dig the lunch along with the box(lol). In the six month of his marriage with y/n, it's the first time Jungkook is eating the food prepared by his wife heartedly.

Probably because he is now realising.

Maybe because he starts to notice the one side efforts of his wife.

Jungkook hurriedly dialled to his secretary,when he remembers something. After a small talk and confirmation,the ravenette collect his stuff and grab the bag heading out of the cabin.

The boy thought to go home early today because of his good mood or maybe he is feeling a urge to see a particular person, which definitely didn't never happened before.

Strange and unbelievable!

Y/n was in the living room, sitting and talking with her husband's cousins. More like they were blabbering and the girl was just silently listening their funny fights and talks.

Until Leena decided to talk,after planning something evil in her psycho mind. She put the juice glass on the round glass table and said to y/n.

"So y/n where are you from actually? And how did you ended up with Jungkook? I mean you didn't know Jungkook before did this miracle of Marrying a rich man happened?"

It's like Leena is taunting y/n rather than simply asking. The innocent girl didn't understand the double meaning of her question and look at her with a small smile.

"You are right me and Jungkook never met before. My appa and Mr Jeon were best friends. That time he visited us as my father's condition was critical and he wished to see his best friend. I used to live with my father in Roha."
Talking about her father,y/n's eyes got moist. But she held them back once again like a professional.

"Roha? Isn't this place is near Gwangju river and is actually a village?"

A look of uncomfort spread on leena's face hearing village,to which y/n awkwardly nodded.

"A village? Wow! I always wanted to go on the places like this. A small cottage.....river...... greenery.....fresh air and a handsome boyfriend..... cuddling on the romantic."

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