Chapter-29 Hyung!

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"What?" Jungkook came out of kitchen with a pissed look. He was frustrated (trusfrated) which leads him to talk rudely with his mom.

Mrs Jeon tilted her head sideways feeling offended by her son's way of talking.

Jungkook gulp when he saw his mom's scary face. No matter how cold hearted and tough you are,you can never win against your mom..

"Y-yes mom!" Jungkook immediately corrected himself.

"Hmm! Your dad is calling you." The tone in which his mom talking,he is not liking this,it hurts.

"Mom! Are you angry with me? Did I do something wrong?" Mrs Jeon look at her son few seconds before she strolled towards other direction.

But the stare of few seconds jungkook received from his mother told him so many things.

His mom is a open book and jungkook could read what's hiding in her eyes.

And it clenched his heart.

She is disappointed.

"Jungkook!" Mr Jeon called when he found his son zoning out. Jungkook look at his father and asks.

"Dad! W-why mom is talking to me like this?" His voice got shaky. Jungkook can never bear his mother's ignorance,she means so much to him.

He observed everything,how she didn't call him with nicknames,she didn't hug him like she always do.

Not even nagged him if he is even treating her daughter in law nicely or not.

These are the clear indication that something is off and somewhere his mother is upset with him. But,why?

"Don't mind her son. You know your mom and her mood swings. Maybe she is tired after doing too much work. Let her rest for sometime then you can talk with her." Jungkook dishearteningly nodded. He was not still assured not until he talks with his mother.

"You are staying?"


"That's amazing! I think you already know guests are coming. It would be so amazing if you will be there to join us. Go and freshen up." Mr Jeon stated patting on his shoulder. Jungkook complied to his father's words.


Everything is prepared,after finishing every work y/n come out of kitchen and directly went to room to take a shower as she is all sweaty after working.

As every month y/n came here so her clothes are here too. She had been contemplating what to choose, standing inside the walk-in closet. After struggling for few minutes she took two outfits and one again starts to contemplate what to wear.

 After struggling for few minutes she took two outfits and one again starts to contemplate what to wear

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