Chapter-27 New Beginning

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"Let's give each other another chance.
I know I can't make up for lost time and replace those words I said to you. All I want is one more chance."

"Trust me I will make it right."

"Just give me one chance to prove myself that I can be better for you........please."

Y/n never had thought she will melt so easily against Jungkook's words. But then it wasn't impossible.

His gentle look warmed her heart.
The soft touch broke her every insecurity.

His sincere words captured her soul and she lost herself in his embrace.

Those few words were enough and her heart fall in love without her own permission once again.

Maybe this time everything changes and their relationship turn into something meaningful which both of them can cherish.

"So it's final we are going for shopping next day and jungkook will bear all the expenses." An excited Bora stated loudly while stuffing her mouth with french fries.

"Just leave my house you hungry pig."  Jungkook said irritatingly.

"She will but after eating everything until you will be left with nothing hyung." Zaid joked on which Bora let out a warning growl as her mouth is stuffed with food.

Y/n who is in the kitchen smiled hearing their funny arguments. And the smile was genuine not the fake one.

Last night conversation changed everything and today is a new start.

"Y/n what the hell are you doing there alone? Come and join us." Bora's sudden loud yell caused the girl to flinch badly.

"C-coming." Y/n answered while trying to calm her pumping heart.

"Along with food this girl will finish my life too." Y/n hold the tray of juice and exited the kitchen.

Y/n placed down the tray on table before sitting next to Bora who didn't waste any other second and pick one glass filled with orange juice.

She is about to take a sip when her eyes fall on Zaid who is looking at her in disbelief.

"I can't believe you are my sister."

"Unlucky me, have a brother like you." Bora said sadly and shook her head before gulping down the glass of juice. While Zaid gritted his teeth in annoyance.

"The only unlucky person here is me for always dealing with a ungrateful pig like you."

"Thanks for reminding me. I'll make sure to reward you later for your patience and hard work. Now let me eat because food makes me happy unlike you." Bora stated with a done look and continue stuffing her mouth.

Y/n chuckled at the brother and sister's silly argument. This makes her remember someone who also used to tease and make fun of her.

Y/n shrugged away her thoughts as there is no way she will get to see him again. After all it's been so long she lose contact with him.

She look up and for a second forgot to breath when their eyes met like that day when for the first time their both eyes acquainted.

And just like every day she hopes that he read her heart through her eyes the same she used to read him,his hatred for her.

Their eyes diverted from each other by the sound of throat clearing and for the first time she failed to read him and his emotions for her.

Or it was something else.

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