Chapter-23 Weird Jungkook

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"What's going on here?" The sudden voice caused jimin and y/n to turn their head in that particular direction. Their laughter died down as they see the person.


Jimin was not affected at all and why should he? While y/n was staring at jungkook whose eyebrows were crushed together and hands in pocket looking at them with his famous poker face.

Y/n look down as jungkook didn't averted his eyes from her. Her nervousness grew as he continued to stare at her with those piercing gaze.
What's with him?

"Mr Park you here, what a surprise? Any special reason?" Jungkook questions in a calm, professional tone taking steps towards them standing just beside y/n.

"Well, honestly Mr Jeon even I was also surprised when I saw y/n here. No particular reason but actually I am too staying in the same resort as you."

For a minor second Jungkook's left eyebrow raised as he hear jimin calling his wife by her name. Shouldn't he address her as Mrs Jeon?

"Oh,we are neighbors then?" Jimin nodded with a smile.

"Luckily yes,y/n was too saying this thing. Glad,I could get to meet my friend again. Otherwise who knows when will we get the chance to see each other again." Y/n smiled gracefully when the latter addressed her as his friend.

Isn't is she lucky today?She made two friends. Bora and jimin. Friends,sounds so good to her.

"Friend?" Jungkook exclaimed.

He is not liking this.

"Yup it's shocking but she is my friend now and I am hoping the same from her too." Jimin stated. Basically he was just teasing and goofing on his new friend.

"You thought I would deny? Of course you are now my friend jimin." Y/n said with a chuckle.

"Oh my God! Did you just say my name? Gosh, finally you agreed. Now I can die in peace." Y/n laughed at her new friends over dramatic yet cute personality.

Jungkook was looking at them, happily talking and laughing with each other not even bothered to think that there is another person here too, standing with them. Seeing them like this was creating something weird in his heart. 

"My name sounds too sweet from your mouth. God,I can listen to you calling by my name all day." Jungkook coughed and clears his throat. Jimin is being too frank with his wife.

For God's sake,with his own wife and that too in front of him. This is too much for his patience now.

The straight forwardness of jimin even caught y/n off guard. She let out a awkward laugh adding a half nod and steal a side glance at jungkook only to gulp in fear. He was practically glaring at jimin with clenched jaws.

"Uhb jimin I think you were going somewhere?" As soon as jimin heard that his eyes widened and he glance down at his wrist watch only to be gasp.

"Oh no,I am late. Sorry both of you but I have to go,there is a old friend of mine who I have to meet." Jimin apologetically said.

Fucking finally! (Guess who?)

"It's ok jimin and you should go now. Your friend might be waiting for you."
Y/n flashed a assuring smile.

"I hope he won't kill me. Because when he is angry he actually turns into a angry tiger." Jimin chuckled remembering about his friend's angry,cute face.

I hope he do that.

"Don't worry he won't."
"I wish too. I have to go now. Bye y/n."
Surprising the two of them jimin side hugged y/n. Jungkook mentally growled at this unpleasant site.

"Bye Mr Jeon."
"Bye Mr Park." The smile jungkook passed to the latter was obviously fake. Soon Jimin disappeared from their site.

"Shall we go now or am I interrupting something?" Jungkook exclaimed as he saw her still gawking at the way jimin went to. For a unknown reason he was sounding annoyed.

Y/n turn her head to look at jungkook with a confused face.

What's wrong with him?

"I didn't get what ar-." She couldn't get to finish as he walk passed by her. Y/n was dumbfounded at his unusual behavior.

Soon she also follow him inside and close the door behind. A loud gasp left from her mouth as she saw jungkook standing too close to her, staring at her with cold questioning eyes.

"When did you befriended him?" Suddenly he asked.

"Huh!" Y/n was bewildered.
"Acting dumb now, aren't we?" Making her more nervous he came more closer to her whispering in a stern tone.

"Is he really your friend?" Y/n frowned at his question. Is it wrong to make friends? Why he is behaving like this? Nonetheless nodded as an answer.

"Did you befriended him yesterday?"
Y/n once again nodded her head not quite understanding why he is asking all these questions.

"Good,then." He said and moved away from her directly went towards bed. Y/n was stood frozen there. She was completely baffled by his strange behavior. She finally took some steps trying to digest everything happened a minute ago.

"Can you pass me the black file from table? If not then no problem." Jungkook bluntly said. He himself was surprised on his behavior. He couldn't be able to understand why he is being like this over a small thing?

Y/n blinked few times before passing the file to him. She shrugged away everything and went towards cupboard to do packing.

While jungkook averted his gaze from laptop to her.

Why he is behaving possessive?

Next morning they all left for Seoul. Zaid and Bora were sulky as they didn't get to visit to other places. They wanted to wander around more but then again Jungkook's business work come between their enjoyment.

But what amazing happened was Leena sat backside telling y/n to sit in front with jungkook. Zaid and Bora were astonished by her kind gesture. None of them was expecting this. They thought this time she will sit in front that's why not to create any drama y/n moved towards back seat. But before she could Leena stopped her and told her sit in front.

That too with a smile. Can you imagine that?

Soon they all reached mansion. As all of them were tired by the five hour  journey, everyone silently went to their rooms to freshen up and probably will take a small nap to deal with their tiredness.

But that's not the case with y/n. As soon as she freshened up she come downstairs to prepare dinner as it's already four in the evening.

They did their dinner and were chilling in living area. That's when door bell ranged. Y/n went to open the door. The person entered inside and all three cousin's including Jungkook's breath hitched.

Guess who?
Am I taking this story too fast?

I hope you all had liked enjoyed it.
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Hehe well your requests once again got me and I had to write. Now don't demand more. My exams are coming so that's why I am not uploading. 😬 Hope you all understand and support me 💗

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