Chapter-13 Complicated

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Next day
Jungkook have informed everyone yesterday,that they will leave for Busan in the morning. So as per the plan everyone comes out of their room with a happy face. The big smile on their faces was a living about how excited they are for this trip. Afterall after so many years they get time to spend with each other. Right now they are filling their empty stomachs.

As usual y/n the incharge of preparing food was in the kitchen, staring at nothing with a gloomy face. The sadness in her eyes was describing everything. Last night incident was like a tragedy for her. The words Jungkook said to her were like a poisonous arrow, killing her heart bit by bit.

Oh how much she regretted asking those questions related to Jungkook's past life. If she could have controlled or zip her mouth like she did in these past months, atleast nothing could have happened like this. Their relationship might not had broken more as it's already is.

But whom she is kidding? Feelings and emotions can never be buried. One day they comes not matter how much you try to overpower them.

After the argument, Jungkook and y/n didn't talk to each other,nor they tried,precisely ignoring. No ones wants to initiate,maybe too weak to get hurt again seeing each other's vulnerable condition. The hate she saw in Jungkook's eyes for herself was a crystal clear picture of the broken string of their relationship. Infact, there was a never a relationship between them.

They both were two used pawn of destiny,which got put together with no matching. Just living like strangers were their goal,with no emotion,no Feelings,no happiness.

"Ahh!" A small whimper comes out from her mouth,when the sharpness of knife sliced her finger instead of the apple. Gradually it starts to bleed, causing the girl to hurriedly put the wounded finger under tap water. Without knowing,tears flow out of her eyes like a rainfall.

She couldn't be able to understand wheather the reason of tears is because of the small cut on finger or the unlimited wounds of her heart. But one thing was clear,the wound of her heart was more big and painful compared to this, getting unbearable every passing day.

"Noona! Come fast what are you doing?
Her chain of thoughts broke when zaid called out her name. Again a fake drama she have to put of being happy. The girl cannot anyone know that there is something wrong with her,where the reality is everything is going wrong and the most worst part is she have no one with whom she could share her a slightest pain.The trio cousins were standing in living room with their luggages.

Kids are excited!!

Zaid signalled her to come fast,while procceeding towards the car, standing infront of the big door. Y/n mouthed five minutes before climbing the stairs.

Again she have to face him.

Opening the door of their shared bedroom,y/n straightely went towards washroom,not even glancing in the direction where her husband was standing. Even she was aware of his presence in room,the girl couldn't form courage to look at him. Hearing the door closing sound, Jungkook who was adjusting his hairs,got attentive into the direction.

He clear knows how who was it. Who can even enter in his room and except his wife. Past night was actually pitch black night in both of their life,full of uneasiness and restlessness. Staring at the closed door past night clips started to play infront of his eyes.


"I was not aware of this. T... trust me."

Did he crossed the limit?
Offcourse he did! Saying poisonous words just because he was frustrated of the ongoing battle of his heart and mind. He laced out on her as only he couldn't think which side he should choose.

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