Chapter-7 Aching of Hearts

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"I...I Can't t...take this....I....c..can't."
Her palm clutched the dress on her chest,where her heart is throbbing with immense pain. The betrayal she feels,the moment she hear he used to love someone
Today the girl comes across a bitter truth about her husband,and in her whole life she didn't feel this miserable,the moment she is Feeling now.

The tears were continuously dripping down her eyes,painting her rosy cheeks,further wetting her dress. She bites her trembling lips,to control herself. But again broke down pathetically,observing her state in the mirror.

"Why you never told me Jungkook? Why?"
Her mind yelled in agony.

Negative thoughts surround her mind. She don't want to think about this,the girl was trying her best to not built any hatred and anger towards her husband. But the bitter words are repeatedly knocking on her head,stabbing her heart,forcing her to think which she deliberately wants to ignore.

"Now you get to know why he always gives you cold shoulder?"

"Why he never treated you like his wife?"

"Why he never show any interest? Why he used to feel annoyed by your presence?"

"He never saw you as his woman because he already have someone in his heart."

"Did you understand,you are no one to him,NO ONE."

"You must be missing her?"
"A lot."

She abruptly stood up,covering her ears. Her inner soul is continuously questioning her and showing her what's the reality. But her heart has too much faith on her so-called husband that she didn't want to trust on anything. She can't be able to take this harsh reality.

Her heart is not that much strong.

Her legs give up, resulting her to fall on knees. Trembling lips,tears soaked face,shaking body,anyone could feel pity after seeing her this vulnerable state.

She was completely broken.

Outside Jungkook's office, several frightened eyes, digging hole on their boss's office door. Even Jungkook's secretary was terrified hearing the noises,which are coming from the other side of the door and to make him more frustrated,the employees whispering is not helping at all in this situation.

He yelled in frustration which make every mouth shut.

"Is there any shooting going on here? NO RIGHT! Then go and do your works silently."
In a second every person went to their respective spot.
Being annoyed the boy massaged his forehead and look at the closed door.

With a little bit of courgae he knocked on the door, ignoring the fear inside himself. Along being frightened,the young boy was also concerned for his scary boss. He never had witnessed the ravenette behaving like this.

From the moment he had come to his office,he had a frustration on his face. The young boy can tell his boss was holding back his anger,which he finally let it out on a employee, noticing her a small mistake.

She just forget to bring the file,which was not even necessary for toady.

The poor girl is still sobbing from the time she come out from her boss's office. She was shaking badly at that time. Offcourse Mr Jeon not only scolded but also insulted her for god knows what reason.

The boy flinched hearing his boss's angry voice. He gulped and dared to ask.
"B..boss are you okay?"

He press his left ear on the door,when he didn't hear anything. Infact the breaking sounds also stopped,making him anxious and nervous.
"B...boss Ca...."

The brunette tripped when suddenly the door got opened harshly,his handsome face was about to kiss the shining floor,when he Hurriedly grab the wall for support.

And phewww luckily,he and his face got saved.

Tony released a deep breath but her heart shake when his eyes met his boss's eyes,which are not looking good for some reasons. Hairs messy,tie hanging down from its place, unbuttoned shirt. His soul screamed in fear.
He is about to apologize when Jungkook spoke.

"Call someone to clean the mess. I will be back in some time,after returning Everything should be on its place."
He ordered in his bossy tone and went away.

The brunette got confused about which his boss is talking about. Which mess? But when a peek inside the office,his all doubts got cleared. Everything was actually a BIG mess. The neat and organized table is now in a messy state. Files and papers on floor,table and his boss's coat,which should be hanging on the back of chair is now on floor,and the chair was silently resting in the corner.

Mr Jeon was really angry.

He mentally thanked God thousands of times,for saving him from his cruel boss.

Everything was wrong and messed up just like thier life.

Jungkook closed his eyes,when the cool breeze touch his skin. The peaceful calm area was helping him to calm down but not..... completely. His mind was still disturbed. Especially his heart,which is playing games with his feelings and emotions.

Once again her face popped up in his mind. The shaking hands, trembling lips,the pain in those round,brown eyes,when they met with his,the uneasiness he felt,the way his heart clenched,is still messing up from the morning.

Everything was confusing and unsettled.
Her everything is effecting him badly. He couldn't even concentrate on anything. A single thing was not in his control today.

And he know now this is not gonna be easy. There is nothing in his control.
He opened his eyes with a sigh and stare blankly in front.
How will he gonna deal with this?
What should he do?

Tell we what's your opinion about the Chapter 💚
I am sorry for late update 🥺

Your lazy author 💞

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