Chapter-9 Nothing Left To Hold

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"I hate you y/n.....I hate you so much."
This single sentence has been filled inside her head,that just kept repeating, repeating......and repeating. These ruminative thoughts were sticked with the skin of her head, gradually eating her.The feeling of being physically, mentally and emotionally overwhelmed by the stress,was too much for her.

This emotional breakdown is building anger and hatred inside her. Right now she could not think of anything,except to go infront of her husband and ask him that why his heart is black for her?

Why he have only hate for her?
Why can't he also treat her like a normal person,like he treat others?

She is not someone different. The girl have the same emotions,same feelings, same pain,same heart. Then why he always consider her like she has committed a sin. Still he don't have to be this harsh, heartless and cold for her.

Curling into a ball,she stare in the air blankly. Her eyes were void of any emotion,just the warm liquid keep liberating,making her eyes more puffy.
"Should I give up on him?"

"There is nothing left to hold any expectations for this relationship. He will never consider me as his wife infact not even a normal human."

You hold on the string until,the other end also been held. He was holding the other end,but the distance is not reducing,instead its keeps increasing. The string of their relationship is so thin that if one will put a minor pressure on it will break apart. And what if she also rip apart along with this so called relationship. She wouldn't collect herself back. She will lost herself completely,with no hope to wrap up again the way she is used to be. Better than this,she should put together the broken pieces and prepare from now on.

She don't have the courage to live her life without him. How can she when,her day starts and end because of him. Only his presence is enough for her to consume the remaining breathe of her life. However even if one day,she have to do this for his happiness.........she will not hesitate.

Y/n decided to fulfill her every duty as a wife,but she will erase the hope, which is building from the day first of their wedding.

"It's better to let go,instead of growing love in a flower,which will never bloom. In return there will be only thrones,which will only stab you and give you pain."

Wiping the tears away,y/n clenched her fist before letting out those words which she never thought to even think.

"I am ready to let go Jungkook."
You decides to fight for the person,who desired to be with you. But when the person himself wants to leave,not caring about you,not seeing from how much pain you are suffering,then there is no use of your sacrifices,your hope,your efforts,your endurance. Just let him go.

"Never run behind the person who was,is and never will be yours."

Next day
A new Morning,A new start.
Jungkook woke up by the annoying sound of alarm. He groan, covered his ears with pillows before rolling to the other side
He thought maybe it's y/n's alarm as he never put any alarm. His wife always wake him up on time. Irritatingly he sit up looking to the other side with half open eyes. Jungkook was about to burst but his mouth automatically zip when he didn't find y/n on the other side.

With a sigh,he grab the alarm to off it. But only to get confused as his eyes fall on the time.
"Aah I have to get ready."
"Wait! Who set the alarm? Where is y/n?
With a thought maybe his wife may had woke up late, Jungkook shrugged and went to take shower.

Jungkook enter in the dining area. The trio was already sitting there. They were busy chatting and eating breakfast. Jungkook approach them and greeted.
"Good morning everyone."

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