Chapter-8 I Hate You

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Evening 5:30pm
Jungkook returned home after a hectic and weird day. He didn't even did any work today,there was not meeting as he cancelled them,but still he was feeling like he is carrying something heavy. There is no energy left in his body.

His mind,heart,'s like they are not functioning properly. Something is eating him up.......but what?

He couldn't press the white button. His fingers mold into fist,before finally pressing the door bell. He was feeling anxious and was tensed thinking what if y/n will open the door. How will he gonna face her? Will he able to lock eyes with her?

The door got pulled from other side, sinking his heart in nervousness. He clutch the leather bag tightly before facing the person.

It was not her!

This gives him relaxation along with confusion. For a moment he felt relief but his chest tightened after not being welcomed by his wife.

"Welcome home Jungkookie."
The girls excitement make Jungkook feel odd and weird. But not to disrespect his cousin who is also his guest,he slightly smiled with a whisper.

"Thank you Leena."
The brunette passed by her. Don't know why but after the morning incident the boy wants to maintain distance from the girl.

It irritates him, being close with her.

The brown pair of orbs wandered around the hall. some noises from kitchen fell in his ears.

"Kookie are you okay?"
Jungkook's body stiffened due to the sudden touch on his shoulder. He turn his face only to take his steps backward after noticing how close their faces were.

"Y..yeah! Excuse me!"
Jungkook Hurriedly went away from there,missing the grin on leena's face,the wickedness in her eyes,which were clearly showing how much she is enjoying this drama.

Jungkook is laying on the bed, facing the ceiling. From the time he had come from office,he didn't get to see her. It was obvious she is intentionally ignoring him. She didn't even join them during dinner, making a excuse that she is not hungry.

A annoying sight left from his mouth. Everything is scattering.

He tightly grip the sheet in his hand before speaking.
"I Hate You Y/n.......I hate you so much."
His closing eyes failed to notice the figure standing on the door step with teary eyes, covering her mouth with her palm. The girl didn't waste any running away from there.

"For making me feel like this!".
With that he drifted into a deep slumber

Y/N POV......
Y/n was sitting in the dining area, talking to her favourite person, whenever she feel down. She don't have her own family but Jeon's never let her feel that she is a orphan. She have someone on whom she can rely on.
A part of Jeon's.

"Everyone already had ate eomma and are now peacefully sleeping."

"And guess what you are still working at this time and also had not your dinner yet right?"
A bitter chuckle left from her mouth. The woman who is not even her real mother knows everything about her.

Her lips trembled in,when her heart clenched, feeling a urge to hug her tightly at this time.....but can't. She is not with her.

"Y/n! sweetie! Are you okay? Why I am feeling like you are hiding something from me?"
Y/n removed the phone away from her ear and press her lips tightly. The desperation, her heart is feeling to have someone near her this time,she can't explain it in words.

Right now she badly needs someone by her side, comforting her with a warm hug.

But look there is no one with whom she can share her pain. Wish there can be someone by her side,to hear from what feeling she is going through at this time.

How vulnerable she is feeling?
How much she is suffering?
Unfortunately there is no one,she is all alone like......always.

Wiping the tears and gulping the pain and tightness down her throat,y/n spoke.

"Y..... yes eomma."
"Y/n what happened? I am calling your name from so long. Are you okay my child? Please tell me if something happened. Did Jungkook said something to you? Tell me once and I will not leave that brat."

"Relax eomma I am fine. There is nothing serious. Actually today there is some network problem that's why you couldn't hear my voice. And about J... Jungkook..........H...he didn't do anything."

Y/n mentally apologized for lying to her only mother figure. She didn't even know what she should tell to this kind lady.

How she can put her pain into words?
How can words describe the betrayal the girl get from her own husband?

"Look dear if anything is bothering you,feel free to share it with me. Consider me as your own mom ok."

"Offcourse eomma you are like my mother. There is no doubt in that."

"Hmm good. Now eat something and take rest ok."

"Ok eomma good night. Take care of yourself and dad."
"You too my child,bye!"

A small smile made its way on her lips. Y/n is feeling good and relaxed after talking to her mother in law. Still the tightness of her chest didn't vanished. Suffering is not easy, especially when you get it from your loved ones.

She decided to eat something. Her heart is opposing it,but she can't just live like a dead body right?

She can't behave immature.

After washing her plate,y/n left to upstairs to their shared bedroom. The girl inhale a deep breath before opening the door slowly,not having any intention to disturb Jungkook as she have no courage to face him.

But to her bad luck she saw Jungkook laying on the bed with open eyes.

Why he is awake?
Y/n decides to behave normally and only to focus on her things instead on him.

She is about to take a step inside when suddenly he whispered some words which stabbed her like a sharp arrow, penetrating her weak heart, resulting to tears comes out from her eyes.

"I hate you y/n.....I hate you so much."

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