Chapter-17 A Blissful Moment

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After being done with makeup and hairstyle,which actually was done by her new friend bora. Y/n decided to change her clothes. As they are going to wander around, she thought to choose a comfortable outfit. The girl doesn't know anything about fashion and how a person should dress according to a occassion or anything else.She can't relate to those girls for whom everyday is a fashion show. How can they even manage all these things. Even the mere thought about them and how how they co-operate with every fashion trend,force her to question where on earth she is living? Sliding her thoughts which actually don't make any sense she pick a mint coloured floral dress from cupboard before throwing on her body.

A groan of annoyance left from her mouth,when after wearing the dress the girl difficulty in zipping it up. Standing infront of mirror she was doing numerous unsuccessful attempts to reach out her hand behind her back. But at this moment it seems to be impossible.

Bora is getting ready and she can't disturb her.

After taking a deep breath just when she is about to try again,the sound of door opening make her froze on her place while her hands stayed in that place. Understanding what actually is y/n instantly glued her back on mirror with wide eyes, muttering in a panicked tone.

"Don't come near, please stay there."

Turns out it was Jungkook who returned back from his meeting. Meanwhile Jungkook was standing there with eyes double of their size, witnessing the scene. With opening of door he had actually had caught a two second sight of his wife's bare back. His ears started to turn red as his mind proceeds what just happened. He saw what?

Registering what is happening he closed the door behind and glance at the nervous figure whose head is now ducked down and bottom lip under the torture of her sharp teeth.

She is embarassed and nervous by his sudden appearance. Jungkook just barged in when she was struggling to zip up her chain. Couldn't the day be more worse than this?

He cleared his throat to reduce the awkwardness surrounding them and put his bag on table before turning his back towards her.
Yeah they are not like other couples but still he know how to respect a woman, specially when it's his own woman.

"Is there any problem? Maybe I could help."
He fake coughed after asking even knowing about the situation very well.

He still had the audacity to ask!

Jungkook doesn't wanna make her feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about anything.

" nothing....just don't turn back. Wai...wait a second."
Y/n stammered and her words were confusing. While she kept trying to reach her back,which is now seems impossible to do.

Her hands were now shaking. Is it because her muscles were aching due to continuous efforts or is it due to the presence of her husband?

Minutes passed and the girl was still stuck in doing it. And this is making her feel anxious and angry. A huff of shaky breath left her mouth not being be able to do more.

Suddenly Jungkook turned around and with a jerk she again glued her back on mirror, gulping frequently in nervousness. Couldn't he wait? Why he have to be so impatient?

"W.. wait,I am not done yet. P.. please turn ar.."
Y/n couldn't finish her words as she saw him taking steps towards her. What he is doing? Her hands tightly clutched her dress into fist while avoiding eye contact with him. And now he is standing infront of her staring at her with his cold gaze.

"What's the problem?"
Jungkook asked with one hand in his pocket.

(A/n;- Cool guy)

"I told right.....there is noth."

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