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Adeline Sinclair has lived in Seattle since she was 12 and now that she is leaving it was challenging to say goodbye to all the things she's found comfort in for 5 years. At the same time, it was so easy to say goodbye to the rumors and the facade she had put up. As Adeline was packing up she could hear her younger sister in her room being a normal teenage girl and listening to music and humming along with it. Being the queen bee wasn't as easy as people might think.

Being the queen bee meant that Adeline could never be caught crying, she had to look her best always, and she had to keep up the facade that she was perfect in every way shape, and form, it never hurt if you were exceptionally beautiful too and if you played a sport. She doesn't remember how she became queen bee but suddenly it just happened and all the other girls were either jealous of her or wanted to be her. Now all she wanted to do was be normal again. But life never gives you what you want.

On the bright side of things or I guess the rainy and cloudy side of things Adeline's mother, father, and sister were moving to Forks Washington. A town where it was almost always cloudy and rainy and a place where no one could know of her reputation and she could finally be normal. Suddenly there was a knock on her door. "Who is it?" Adeline asked.

"Your dearest little sister Saige, " she said in a semi-dramatic voice while swinging the door open and entering the room.

"I never said you could come in, you know," Adeline said while looking away from the window and at her sister.

"Eh whatever" she shrugged and plopped on the bed covered in clothes and boxes.

"What do you need, Saige?" Adeline asked slightly annoyed while walking over to a pile of clothes on the bed.

"Well I got bored of packing alone so I thought it would be fun to talk to you, also you need help packing with how many things you have," she said looking around her sisters' room that had half-full boxes of things scattered across the floor.

Adeline scoffed and said, "Well have you finished packing yet little miss?"

"I have, thank you very much!" Saige said dramatically

"Well if you're that bored then you can help me move my closet into the boxes on the bed."

"Ugh but that's so much work," Saige complained

"You wanted to help Saigey. Also, I'll be right back I'm gonna go talk to mom"

"So you want me to pack your things while you go talk to mom about unimportant things?"

"Yeah kinda," Adeline said while walking down the stairs to the living room. "Hey mom"

"Yeah, honey? "

"When do we start at the new school?"

"January 20th, Why?" She said while looking up from her book and at her oldest daughter.

"Just curious, also aren't we supposed to see the new house today?"

"Right! I knew I forgot something!" She said as she shut her book quickly and looked at her daughter who was laughing at how her mother could forget something like that.

"How do you manage to forget we're seeing the house today?"

"Well, honey a lot is going on. At least someone remembers" she said while gesturing to her oldest.

"Good thing I'm here" Adeline smiled. She then went back to her room. When she reached her room she saw that almost everything had been organized into the correct boxes with only the miscellaneous things still laying around the room. "Saige! How did you manage to do this in the like five minutes I was gone? " She said, looking at her sister in disbelief.

"What did I do a bad job? " she asked worriedly.

"No" Adeline walked towards her sister with her arms open to embrace her in a hug, "I'm just impressed you did so much in so little time. Goodness no wonder you finished packing before me"

"Yeah, I guess it works out though because we get to the house today which means we can start setting things up."

"Well, in that case, let's finish packing up everything in both our rooms, and because you did such a good job today I'll take you to lunch."

"Really? Thanks, Addie!"


"Oh I can't believe we finally made it to the house!" said the girls' mother.

"I know! It's so exciting!" said Saige looking around the foyer.

"Mom do you know where Saige and I's rooms are?" asked Adeline.

"Saige your room is on the second floor to the right the door at the end of the hall and Adeline your room is the same as Saige's just on the left. The bathroom you to will share will be the door closest to your room, Adeline. And there is a loft area by Saige's room."

"Okay thanks, mom I'm going to go look around," Adeline said climbing the stairs up to her room.

"Your welcome Adeline." When Adeline walked up the stairs she first went to her room to see where she was going to put up everything. She got to the room and stood in the doorway taking in the empty room and all her emotions. It was a fresh start she could be anyone she wanted to be. She didn't have to put up a front that she was perfect. She coughed getting rid of any tears that were forming in her eyes and stepped into the room. All of her furniture had been brought into the room. Everything except her bed was in the center of the room so she could put things where she wanted. Her bed was sitting in the middle of the accented wall which was accented with light grey brick. Adeline smiled seeing the brick wall in her room. She's always wanted an exposed brick wall in her room. Adeline spent most of her evening moving her furniture. By the time she was done, she was exhausted but happy with the result. She walked over to her bed and face planted into her pillows and fell asleep to the calming sound of rain tapping on her window.

A/N: If there are any grammar mistakes please comment them. Although I do use Grammarly I enjoy getting CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Also, comment on any ideas you might have for the story. Also, the year is 2021. COVID doesn't exist in this world. It's just like the books and the movies just modernized. 

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