33 - 𝙱𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊'𝚜 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚑

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Running. She was running. Running from the grey wolf from a previous dream, it chased her. But was it running from something too? She looked back over her shoulder before looking back. And suddenly when she looked back she was falling. Falling, falling, the sound of howls in the distance.

Adeline awoke gasping, clutching her chest trying to regain her bearings. "It was just a dream, nothing but a dream," she said on an exhale. Her alarm for school sounded, she shut it off and got ready for the day.

Saige and Adeline hung out by the Cullens while in the school parking lot. This had become the new normal for them. Edward had moved a little farther away and waited for Bella. Bella's Chevy truck pulled up into the school. She got out and made her way to Edward. He hugged her and kissed her on the forehead. Alice took notice of them and skipped over to Bella. Adeline wasn't going to pay Bella any attention. Well, maybe not any attention. It was her 18th birthday after all and even though Bella didn't want any attention she deserved it. I mean cheating in Forks's it boy with her best friend. It's bound to make the news.

"Hey, Bella!" Adeline called over to her. Bella looked up and Adeline cupped her hands around her mouth to amplify the sound. She shouted, "Happy 18th birthday Bella!"

Bella immensely cowered and covered her face in her hands. Adeline smiled triumphantly and turned back to Jasper.

"You're a devilish work of art Miss Sinclair," Jasper said in her ear.

Adeline smiled and put her hand on his chest, looking up at him she said "I know, it's why you love me."

Jasper smiled too, "Only one of the many reasons," he said before kissing her.


"Hey, Addie? Can you pick up Bella at 7 tonight for her party?" Alice asked.

"Yeah I can do that"

Adeline got out of her car and went up to the Swan house. Nothing was out of the ordinary just Charlie's car out. Adeline rang the doorbell, after the reverberation of the bell sounding died, Adeline heard the sound of giggling, and then what she could only guess was Bella moaning. The sound was followed by Bella saying Jacob's name. Adeline ponded on the door hoping to break them apart. She yelled through the door, "Bella let's go! You have your stupid party!" Adeline left, enraged for Edward. She stomped back to her car and drove straight to the Cullen's house.

When she got there she threw open the door, knowing that they'd be unlocked. Everyone looked at her stunned. Vines were starting to wrap themselves around Adeline's arms. She took a few calculated steps forward before saying, "Bella's cheating on Edward with Jacob Black!"


"How could she do that to him?"

"Is that why she's been acting weird?"

"I knew I couldn't trust her!"

"Are you sure?" Carlise asked stepping toward her. Adeline looked at him, her green eyes a deeper green than they'd ever been before.

"I'm positive. I've caught them twice now." She answered. Edward walked down the main staircase.

"It's true. She has been, her room has smelt different, and after looking through Adeline's thoughts... It's been since summer."

"Wait I'm sorry, you can read minds?"

"Yeah, I thought you knew already"

"Well, I guess I didn't, but what do we do now?"

"We pretend we don't know anything and let the party go on like normal. As horrible as her actions are no one deserves to be dumped on their birthday," Carlise said.

"Esme, I'm sorry for saying this. But fuck her birthday! She doesn't even want to celebrate let alone have a party! Why should we be nice to her if she's gonna go behind Edward's back?" Adeline shouted.

"Your right," Carlise said.

Just then Rosalie chimed in, "Let's keep going with the party plan, if she hates her birthday then she deserves to suffer through it."

"Rose, this is why I love you," Adeline said looking toward her, the deep green of her eyes lighting to a mint green.

Bella arrived a little later. "Happy birthday!" Alice said throwing her arms around her and entrapping her in a hug.

"Alice, I still don't want this," Bella complained.

"Dating an older woman. Hot" Emmett said to Edward to try and fix the broken mood of hatred.

"Wow, impressive you managed to survive another year now your ancient. Good for you, better start the anti-aging and wrinkle cream," Adeline taunted.

"Adeline be kind," Esme chided.

"But she-" Adeline wanted to argue but Esme shut down the argument before it could start.

Bella was opening presents that she didn't deserve when she was trying to open an envelope before her (ironically) paper-thin skin was sliced by the paper. The blood formed at the top before everything went wrong, or maybe it was when everything fell into place. Jasper had been trying to control his bloodlust but because of the unexpected blood, the rest of them minus Carlise had gone instantly thirsty. Edward's was especially bad with the current hatred he had for her right now.

Jasper rushed forward towards Bella trying to suck her dry. Edward jumped into action shoving Bella backward into the glass vases. Jasper was forced to leave after the order of Carlise. The rest of them left trying to not be so thirsty. Adeline ran after Jasper.

"Jazzy! Shh, it's okay. Your alright." Adeline soothed. Jasper was starting to calm down and Adeline put their foreheads together. Her calming forest and floral scent calmed Jasper.

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