27 - 𝙹𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜

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Adeline crept into the ballet studio. Bella was frozen after hearing her mother's panicked voice saying, "Bella? Bella, where are you?" Bella sprinted toward where she heard the voice. Adeline fell back into one of the dark corners of the ballet studio trying to not draw any attention to herself. "There you are," Bella's mother said. "What are you doing down here?"

A childish voice answered, "Everyone makes fun of me,"

"Come on you're a wonderful dancer,"

"Mom. I suck."

"You do not suck honey." There was a low sound of laughter being produced from behind Bella. She turned around a gasp escaped from her mouth.

"Such a stubborn child weren't you?" James asked.

"She's not even here," Bella realized. James then pushed Bella against the glass, mirrored wall, and smelled her deathly sweet scent by her throat.

"No, she's not. You know it was too easy to pull you away from your little friends. It's sad really,"

"What's sad?" Bella asked with a special kind of fear in her voice.

"He kept you this frail little human."

"Edward has nothing to do with this!" Bella shouted, she pushed back against James. He pushed her back against the wall.

"Oh, but he does! His rage will make for all the more interesting games. He'll hate himself for failing at protecting you," James looked away from her slowly. Bella took out the pepper spray that according to Adeline just materialized out of nowhere. She sprayed it in James's eyes and ran as fast as she could. James growled and flew over the top of Bella and landed in front of her. Unfortunately, James caught Adeline's scent.

"Who's your friend?" James asked.

"We're not friends," Adeline stated as she walked out of her hiding spot.

"Pity. So wouldn't care if I killed her?" James asked, he turned his head slightly to watch Bella. Adeline had to play the right cards.

"I'd only care if I didn't get to participate," She answered smiling slyly, "but please. Be my guest,"

"You'd be a great one in our coven if you were to join, I must say, this time is much more fun. The first and only time my prey escaped from me was your little female friend. The older vampire was very fond of her. He worked for the asylum back in the 1920s. Poor thing didn't even register the pain after all the electro-shock therapy she went through. I was surprised to see her in the clearing,"

"Alice," Adelie whispered to herself. James took note.

"Smart girl," he said, nodding slightly in her direction," James said as he quickly turned back to Bella. "Now back to you." He pushed her to the ground and swiftly slid her across the ground in one smooth motion. Bella slid into a corner and sliced her head. James crept up to her slowly and grabbed her wrist and smelled the sweet, sweet blood that pumped through her. Bella managed to pull her wrist away from him. Blood was dripping down her hair. James was slow, and purposeful in his actions. He set his hand on Bella's calf. He pressed down, breaking her leg. Bella's screams in agony filled and reverberated throughout the ballet studio. He leaned into Bella, "Tell Edwrd how much it hurts! Tell him to avenge you!"

"No Edward don't!"

James backed up a little bit before shouting through clenched teeth. "Tell Him!" Edward flew in from the side taking James with him and knocking him away from Bella.

Edward looked at Bella, she was almost horrified at the events. Anyone could tell that Edward felt guilty, James took his distraction as an opportunity. He grabbed Edward and shoved him up against one of the walls. He held onto his neck. "Your alone, 'cause you're faster than the others," James observed. "But not stronger,"

Jasper then burst through the front door shutting it quickly. "Jasper!" Adeline breathed in relief.

"No, but I am," Jasper announced.

"I strong enough to kill you," Edward grumbled threateningly. He shoved James forward; launching him into a mirror. Edward ran over to Bella and Jasper sped over to James. "Adeline! Vines!" Jasper shouted. Adeline went closer to James and her lover. Jasper used his power to give Adeline motivation. Normally he chose happiness when they practiced, this time however he went with rage. Thorny vines emerged from Adeline's arms, they quickly snaked around her arms as they extended toward James at a rapid pace. Jasper was holding James as still as he could.

Edward muttered a "sorry" to Bella and tried to pick her up and escape with her. James's arms were now entrapped in Adeline's vines. The fiery rage within her made the ring around her pupils red. It was an unusual combo with her forest-green eyes. James wriggled free of Adeline's vines and went after Edward. He managed to doge Jasper's vicious attacks and bring down Edward and Bella. He brought them down, and Bella tumbled down her already broken leg struck with a shard of glass. James had picked up Edward and thrown him into a window. He got up, while Bella stupidly took out the glass shard. "Bella you idiot!" Adeline screamed as she rushed over to her. Rage was still pumping through her but she calmed it down enough so she could get non-thorny vines. Golden mist fluttered out of Adeline's hand; vines wrapped around Bella's leg above where the cut was. The vines tied themselves together neatly and Adeline left to try and help Edward and Jasper.

James had walked briskly over to Bella just as Adeline left. He bent down and grabbed Bella's wrist as he made direct eye contact with Edward. He sunk his teeth into Bella Swan's wrist. He was only able to get a bite in before Edward attacked him. Edward had pushed James so aggressively that the floorboards were giving out. Currently, there was a very large ravine-like line within the wooden floor of the ballet studio.

Bella was screaming and groaning in agony her body thrashed against the floor as she tried to fight the venom. Jasper's bloodlust was getting to him, especially with the blood Bella had lost. Adeline ran over to him, grabbed his face, and forced him to pay attention to her. "Jasper, babe. You need to go help Edward," Jasper nodded and Adeline relished her grip on his face. He sprinted over to James and Edward. It was a full-on battle to second death. Jasper was unnecessary for the moment as Edward ripped a piece off of James and tossed it away. James yelled. Edward had a murderous look in his eyes but it temporarily dissolved when he felt a calm familiar hand on his shoulder. Alice and Emmett dropped down from wherever they had entered.

Alice ran over to Bella and started repeating her name and assuring her that it would be alright. Adeline too went over to Alice to help fill her in.

Carlisle was telling Edward "Remember who you are. Your brothers got this," He looked over to Alice and Bella, "Bella needs you." Edward nodded and he went over to her.

Alice had gotten some of Bella's blood on her hands, she smelled it. "Oh god. Carlise the blood."

Emmett and Jasper took either side of James as they rushed to destroy him. Jasper tossed James to Emmett as he ripped up some floorboards. He started a fire and called Alice. Alice rushed over to them and rumped onto James's legs and ripped off his head tossing it into the fire. Emmett and Jasper ripped off his arms and tossed them into the fire as well. The fire was a purply-lilac color. Disturbing-beautiful was the way Adeline saw it. Bella was being examined by Carlise. "Her femoral artery has been severed she's losing too much blood,"

"No, my hand it's burning!" Bella screamed.

"It's the venom," Edward said bitterly.

"Edward you have to do it Adeline's makeshift tourniquet is good but I have to stop the rest of the bleeding."

"What's my other option?" Edward demanded.

"She turns," Alice stated, "Edward I've seen it!"

"Fine." Edward wrapped his lips around Bella's wrist and sucked the venom out. He stopped when he thought it was clean. "It's clean I can taste the morphine."

"Can I rest now?" Bella asked groggily.

"Yes, rest now sweetheart," Edward answered.

"Hey guys," Adeline said. Jasper was standing away from Bella not wanting to push it. He was already pushing it by being in the same place as a bleeding Bella. "I don't feel s-" Adeline started to say before she dropped to the to the cold hard ground.

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