42 - 𝙵𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝚁𝚎𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚗

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"This isn't my hotel," Adeline said as she and Jasper stopped in front of a lovely apartment building. 

"It's not. But it is where we've been staying."

"So I'm guessing you chose the latter?"

"I did. Rosalie misses you almost as much as I do."

"You mentioned that."

Jasper led her inside the building and into the elevator. They went up to the floor the Cullens were on. 

As they stood in front of the penthouse where the Cullens were residing, Adeline stood with her hand on the doorknob; Jasper had told her it was unlocked. "Let me know when you pull your head out of your ass," Adeline said as she patted Jasper on the arm before walking in.

 Jasper stood outside the door frozen in shock. He had never been called out his problems so upfront before; especially by someone he loved so dearly. He smiled softly, there was the Adeline he knew. 

"Jasper, are you coming in or not?" Adeline asked, looking for an answer. 

"Yeah coming."


Adeline walked in first. The penthouse was stunning. They were far enough up that humans wouldn't see them. The furniture was like the one in their home in Forks. 

As soon as Rosalie— who was sitting in the breakfast nook in the kitchen doing something for a fashion blog— realized who was standing in the entryway she ran vampire speed toward Adeline. She paused in front of Adeline to make sure it was real.


“Addie!” Rosalie said with venom tears in her eyes. Adeline rushed toward Rosalie for a hug. Rosalie opened her arms to embrace Adeline. “God I missed you,” Rosalie said into Adeline’s ear.

Adeline was crying now too. “I missed you too Rose.”

Rosalie pulled out of the hug, “Oh where are Esme and Carlise when you need them?”

Like magic, Esme popped out from the kitchen and called for Carlise to come down from his office. Esme made her way over to Adeline and hugged her. It was a comforting thing, Adeline was upset slightly with Carlise but mainly with Edward. She’s upset with Jasper for more than one reason.


“Oh, Adeline honey,” Esme gushed as she held Adeline’s face in her hands as a mother would, “We missed you so much.”

“Can I ask you a question?” Adeline asked, as soon as she did Carlise appeared next to Esme, sliding his hand around her lower back as he always did. “Carlise this goes for you too. Why did you leave? Jasper said he left because he wanted me to have a quote ‘normal life’ . What were your reasons?”

“I didn’t want to leave,” Esme spoke first, “Edward wanted to leave because he said Bella wasn’t good for him and of course the things that you brought to light the day of the accident. We tried to argue with him, Rosalie fought the hardest to stay but Edward won.”

“We really did try to come to an agreement,” Carlise said, “But we can’t stand to have our family split apart.”

“I want to preface this by saying I mean zero disrespect, but explain to me why you chose to let Edward make this huge decision for your family/coven. If Rosalie and I’m assuming Jasper fought so hard against it why couldn’t you just let him go do his thing? You let it happen when Bella and I first moved here. Why did you have to move and leave us alone? Jasper gave me a snippet of the excuses that I can only guess Edward fed to Bella. So why do tell am I finding notes, annotated books, Jasper’s old guitar, and gifts wherever I am?”

The Major's Mate (Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now