13 - 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚎

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Adeline spent the rest of her evening trying to find the perfect outfit for her date with Jasper, which was tricky considering Forks and its rainy weather. She finally settled on an outfit after about an hour. Trying to calm her nerves and relax a bit she did a face mask and took a nice shower. After meditation and some melatonin, she went to sleep with her alarm set.

The Cullens had much to discuss, Adeline being the main topic.

"I don't understand where these powers of hers come from," Carlisle said once Jasper had taken his seat at the dining table, officially starting the family meeting.

"You got yourself a feisty and powerful one Jazz," Emmett teased.

"Emmett be nice," Esme scolded lightly.

"Where's Edward?" Jasper asked looking around the dining room only now releasing he was missing. Alice looked up from the book that she was reading,

"He's watching Bella Swan sleep," she answered.

"That creep," Rosalie muttered under her breath.

"I'll talk to him about it later but right now that's not important," Carlisle said louder than his usual tone, "What's important is trying to figure out what Adeline is. I'm not sure what happened at lunch today but we need to gather data,"

"What I know is, a sudden or strong emotion can trigger her powers. When she accepted the invitation t go on the date with me the rose behind her ear fully bloomed before our eyes. Then today she was furious and yelled, 'I'm gonna slaughter Jessica in biology,' then thorny vines emerged from her hands. We also know that those thorny vines don't hurt her. The thorns were digging into her skin and weren't making her bleed even though they should've been. And as soon as she saw it the vines disappeared because the confusion overpowered the anger," Jasper explained. The others listened, while Esme took notes.

"Shouldn't the vines have stayed due to the confusion?" Carlisle questioned.

"I don't know, I'm just as confused," Jasper said, he paused for a moment remembering what happened before he left, "She also unintentionally guessed my gift." Alice looked up from the book and set it down.

"What do mean she guessed your gift?" Alice asked.

"She said she was fine and I told her that she wasn't. She then got a little upset and said 'How do you know? Can you feel my emotions?' I may have started laughing after she said that," he said a little ashamed at the end.

"What happened after that?" Rosalie asked, only a little annoyed.

"I joked that she was like Elezar," he said. Again somewhat ashamed.

"So you haven't told her about us?" Rosalie clarified, her annoyance both growing and sinking. She hated what she was, Emmett and her family were the only part that she loved but other than that she hated her second life. Above all, she wasn't sure if she wanted Adeline to know about the family of vampires that she went to school with.

"No, I haven't told her about us," he clarified.

"She's definitely something special," Carlisle said, wondering what she could be.

"Agreed," Jasper agreed, pondering what tomorrow will hold for him.


Adeline woke up to her 8:30 am alarm that she set the night before. As she woke up she immediately felt excited, nervous, and electric. She was about to make her coffee before remembering the date was at a coffee shop. She sufficed with a sip or 2 of Saige's energy drink before begging Saige to help her. "Saigey won't you be a dear sister and help me do my hair? Pretty please?"

The Major's Mate (Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now