19 - 𝚀𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜

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Edward and Bella walked out of the restaurant. Adeline was still laying on Jasper comfortably. No one paid them any mind. Adeline was sleeping when Edward and Bella got in the car.  After a moment she woke up again, opened her eyes, looked around, then curled up on Jasper again. Edward started driving as he heard Jasper start humming a song, one of Adeline's favorites. 

The next thing Jasper knew, they were there at Adeline's house. Edward had dropped off Bella already. Jasper carried Adeline as he stepped out of the car and gently shut the door. He knocked on the door, Adeline and her dress in his arms. Saige opened the door. "May I come in?" he asked. 

"Yeah, if you want you can drop her off upstairs in her room," Saige said, moving out of the way. 

"Thank you," Jasper said, walking into the house and up the stairs, and into Adeline's bedroom. He set her down gently on the bed.  She was sound asleep again. Jasper stood for a while just watching her. Then he left and went downstairs. He could hear people talking in the kitchen but didn't try to listen too much. He set Adeline's dress on the kitchen table. "What are you doing here?" someone asked. He turned to see who it was: Adeline's father and a friend of Carlisle's. 

"I was putting Adeline to bed. She went out to Port Angeles earlier and got a dress for the spring formal. Bella and Edward had gone in to eat, she wasn't hungry so she and I stayed in the car. She fell asleep and I didn't want to wake her." Jasper explained. 

"That's sweet of you Jasper thank you,"

"I better get going, Edward might get annoyed, and Carlisle will be wondering where we are,"

"Yes, it is late. Be safe Jasper."

"Yes sir," Jasper said, before walking out of the house, shutting the door behind him. 


Jasper and Edward walked into the Cullen home. Rosalie and Emmett were sitting on the couch doing their activities. Rosalie looks through a fashion magazine judging all of it and Emmett look at a car magazine not comprehending any of it. "Where's Carlisle? I want to talk to him about something good, if he's not here where's Esme?" Jasper said. 

"Carlisle is in his study, Esme should be in there too, although I went for hunt earlier I'm not sure," Rosalie said. 

"Alright thanks, Rose," Jasper said as he patted his sister's hair as he walked past her on his way up the stairs. He walked up to Carlisle's study and knocked once out of courtesy, he knew the office would be open. Jasper walked into the office shutting the door behind him. Esme was sitting on one of the couches reading an older novel from her childhood. Carlisle was at his desk busy with some files. Jasper sat down at one of the chairs in front of Carlisle's desk. Carlisle looked up at Jasper and then at the door. "Everything okay Jasper? You don't normally shut the door when something happens," Carlisle said. 

"For the most part yes. I'll start it from the beginning. Adeline had gone to Port Angeles to get a dress for the upcoming spring formal. While at the dress store she sent me a text saying "Come break me out of dress jail Sophie is taking forever and is keeping us hostage" so I asked where I should meet her, she responded with a bookstore in Port Angeles because Bella wanted a book. Edward joined us and when we got to the bookstore almost too late. Adeline and Bella were getting attacked by these disgusting guys, one tried grabbing Adeline and Bella's hips, and another messed with Adeline's hair. We rescued them and took them to the restaurant they were meant to meet their friends. Addie and I stayed in the car. This is the good part; Adeline told me about her school in Seattle, she even asked me to the formal and she eventually fell asleep. Ed and I took the girls home. When I dropped Adeline off I took her up to her room and on my way out I saw Dr. Sinclair. And now I'm excited about going to the formal with Adeline but weirdly nervous about it. Why I am nervous?" Jasper said, telling his story about his evening. Carlisle paused for a moment taking everything in. 

"Jasper. How do you feel about Adeline?" Carlisle asked. 

"She's amazing. She always surprises me, she's powerful, brave, protective, caring, sweet, and funny, not to mention her beautiful forest green eyes when her powers awaken. And her regular beauty. She makes my undead heart feel something I'm not sure I've ever felt for anyone."

A/N: Not my favorite chapter, but I feel like it's important. Let me know if you like it, and if you hate it also let me know. Also sorry for the shorter chapter.

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