21 - 𝚂𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜

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The following day after the spring formal Adeline woke up to a text from Jasper.


Good morning darling, would you mind if I came over later?


Morning Jasper if you wanted to you could come over in like 20 minutes or so. It's just Saige and I at home.


Sounds good, I'll see you soon.

Adeline smiled and set her phone down. She got out of bed and walked across the hall into Saige's room. She knocked gently before she went in. Saige was sleeping peacefully, so Adeline picked up a pillow that had ended up on the floor, and chucked the pillow at Saige's head before walking out. Saige was unbothered and slept peacefully.

Adeline made herself some coffee and a breakfast sandwich before returning to her room. Checking the time she had 10 minutes or so before Jasper came over. Not caring enough to do any makeup she just did her skincare and waited on the living room couch until the doorbell rang.

When it did she quickly got up and opened the door. "Morning Jasper!" Adeline said cheerily.

"Morning darling," Jasper said smiling softly. Adeline moved out of the way of the door. Jasper walked in and Adeline shut the door.

"What's on the agenda for today?"

"We could go for a walk around the forest?"

"That sounds fun! I would love to find flowers on our way too!"

"I'm sure we can find some of those along the way too,"


Adeline had a small bundle of wildflowers in one hand while Jasper's was in the other. There was a patch of sunlight within a break in the trees. Adeline spotted it and got curious. "Jasper?" she asked, "You said that you sparkle in the sunlight, could you show me?" Jasper exhaled before speaking.

"I can" He led her forward, toward the patch of light. Jasper let go of Adeline's hand before taking off his jacket and stepping into the light. His arms glittered like thousands of tiny diamonds along his skin. "When you said sparkle you meant sparkle," Adeline said almost with a scoff of disbelief. Jasper too scoffed before stepping out of the sunlight. "Not what you expected?" he asked.

"Definitely not." Jasper went quiet pondering his thoughts and questions.

"Adeline," he said slowly before trailing off, "Why do you care about me? I'm a vampire, I could end your life right now!"

"Jasper, I care about you because when I had that bad day a while ago, you made me feel better by reminding me about our civil war lesson. You remembered that I love learning about the civil war. No one remberers that. Then when we were on the field trip to the greenhouse you gave me a flower, and you calmed me down after Jessica was a huge bitch to Saige. Not to mention your rescue after the blood typing incident. Yes, you're right, you could end my life right now, but you wouldn't. You care too much about me. It's part of the reason I love you," Adeline explained while messing with the flowers at first before looking into Jasper's eyes to show him how much she meant every word. Adeline didn't even realize that she basically confessed her love for him. Jasper stared at her with venom-filled eyes, his normally quick mind working slowly trying to fully absorb the words Adeline just said to him.

"You're sure? It's just, Edward has felt like a monster for being in love with the Swan girl. I guess part of it rubbed off on me and made me feel bad."

"Jasper, your not a monster. And even if you were," she winked at him, "I like to live life on the edge" Jasper stared incredulously and affectionately.

"I'm in love with you" he blurted out. Adeline looked up from her flowers a soft confused smile gracing her lips. Her eyes were almost sad.

"Don't say something you don't mean" Jasper was determined to tell Adeline how much he cared for her but never had the words to say it.

"Fine then. I love you." Jasper said looking into Adeline's eyes. Tears were starting well up in her eyes.

"You're sure?" She asked.

"I've never been more sure about my feelings for you."

"I guess the bee fell in love with the flower."

"I suppose it did," Jasper almost whispered.

The Major's Mate (Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now