44 - 𝙵𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝙿𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛

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Adeline woke up with a foggy brain and in an unfamiliar setting. Jasper was in the corner of the room sitting on a couch and reading. Adeline sat up confused. Jasper looked up from his book and at Adeline. 

"It's okay, you're safe," Jasper told her. 

"What happened? Why does my mind feel so fuzzy?" Adeline felt along her head and found a crushed flower crown. She looked down at her arms and found green streaks of color where her normal vines would be, the green was almost like watercolor dripping down a canvas. Adeline held her arms up to show Jasper. She took the flower crown off to examine it before she showed it to him too. "What the hell is this?"

Jasper took a couple of steps forward and sat on the edge of the bed. "That would be what Emmett calls your 'flower power'. After you attacked Edward and he escaped, you couldn't calm down even with my empathic abilities. Carlisle had to sedate you so you could sleep and calm down. Nothing worked except the sedation. We called your parents too, they know you're with us."

"I'm sorry backup. Emmett calls my powers 'flower power'?" Adeline asked with a small exhale of laughter. Jasper nodded with a small chuckle. "I'm not surprised."

"None of us are."

"So, what now?" Adeline asked. "I leave for Forks tomorrow. I don't know what I'm going to do after I get back."

"I don't know. That would be a question for Carlisle."

"Then we go ask him?"

"Yes, but after I pluck the stray petals out of your hair."

Adeline ran her first gets through her hair and found a few stray petals in her hands. "Yeah, that'd be good."


"Carlisle?" Adeline asked when she got to the kitchen where he was sitting. Carlisle looked up at her and set his own on top of his notebook. 

"How can I help Adeline?"

"I need to ask you something," Adeline said as she took a seat in front of Carlisle. "When will you guys return to Forks?"

"I don't know yet. I'd have to talk to everyone else and we'd have to wait for Edward to return."

"Edward will be fine on his own for a little bit. He may be a vampire but he is still technically a teenager. Let him go on his own for a bit. Besides, he's probably hiding from me."

Carlisle chuckled at Adeline's last comment. She might not be too far off. "Adeline, I can't promise you when or that we will return to Forks."

"What am I supposed to tell people? I can't just pretend that I'm all good and dandy because of a trip to New York. People are going to look deeper. They always do."

"Adeline, I might be able to come up with a compromise. Let me round up the others, you can sit in with us during the meeting." Carlisle reached across the table and held Adeline's hand, "You are family after all." Adeline held Carlisle's hand back and her eyes told him everything she needed to know. 

After rounding everyone into the living room for a meeting where Carlisle stood in front of everyone. Adeline sat on the couch with Jasper and Rosalie on either side of her. Alice, Emmett, and Esme stood behind the couch. 

"I realize that I haven't been the best coven leader as of late. I allowed Edward to make a decision that impacted all of us and tore mates apart. I recognize that and I would like to formally apologize. Especially to Adeline and Jasper. Adeline brought up something that I think needs a group consensus. Adeline if you would," Carlisle said as he held his hand out to Adeline. She took it and Carlisle helped her stand. Carlisle moved off to the side. 

"I want you guys to come back to Forks. I miss you guys, but I also understand that it might be too soon for you guys to fully return. So I have a proposal: You guys could move to the surrounding area. Somewhere like Portland, it's close to Washington but not close enough to cause issues. Seattle might be too close considering Forks has little to nothing interesting and kids go to Seattle all the time. It's up to you guys but I wanted to give my two cents." 

Adeline sat back down next to Jasper and Rosalie. For the first time in a while, she leaned into Jasper, he froze at first but ultimately let her. It'd been so long since they cuddled or held each other. Jasper let his arms relax around Adeline's back and suddenly everything felt okay, correct. Like everything would one day be… perfect. 

Maybe it was Adeline's new knowledge of mates, maybe it was the distance and time spent apart but this felt different. 

Adeline moved Jasper's arm so that it clutched around her waist. 

"Can I bring something up?" Rosalie asked. 

"Of course Rose, " Carlisle said. Rosalie stayed seated but she spoke. 

"What about Adeline not being injured when she attacked Edward?" Rosalie asked. 

"Attacked might be too strong a word for what I did to him. I think physical revenge is better," Adeline defended.

Carlisle moved back to the center of the living room. "I don't know. It's a good question, Adeline, do you have any theories or ideas?" Carlisle asked. 

Adeline shook her head, "No, but if I had to guess it would be the fact I had my powers on. From past experiences, I think they protect me from too much physical harm."

"Maybe," Carlisle mused. "Do you guys have an opinion on Adeline's proposal?"

"We could split up a little bit," Alice offered. 

"What do you mean split up Alice?" Esme asked. 

"We do a little bit of everything, Adeline said. Some of us go to Portland, some to Seattle, and maybe some of us to Denali."

"That's not a bad idea Alice, " Carlisle said. 

"We could cover it by saying we split off for college," Rosalie added, "We could still visit each other and Adeline and we could add to our growing wall of graduation caps."

"Ah yes, because you guys are in desperate need of more, " Adeline added sarcastically. 

"It could work," Carlisle said. 

"When would the plan go into motion?" Adeline asked. 

"Whenever you return to Forks?" Esme suggested. 

"I think it's a good idea," Jasper said. 

"How would you split it up?" Adeline asked. 

"I'd go to Seattle, be closer to you," Jasper said. 

"I'd go with Jazz," Alice added. 

"Rose and I could go to Portland, I know I've always wanted to go," Emmett added. 

Esme looked at Carlisle and he gave her a brief nod, "We haven't seen Kate and Tayna in a while," Esme said with a soft smile. 

"Looks like it's settled then," Carlisle confirmed. 

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