41 - 𝙰𝚛𝚐𝚞𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝

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She stared blankly at him, mostly in shock. He too stared back but in remorse, wishing he had never left the girl he loved more than anything in the world. 

 "W- what are you doing here?" Adeline stumbled over her words. 

"Did you not see the notes I left?"

"Oh, you mean the ones that said 'I love you I'm sorry for leaving, I didn't have a choice'? Yeah, I saw them. I also saw the metric shit ton of books you left me all annotated with some sappy 'I'm sorry' bull shit and 'I love your quotes. I also saw the dated note you left me. September 26, 2021. You came back. You freaking came back just to leave a stupid note and didn't bother you to come to see how I was doing?" 

"Addie. I had no choice Ed– Carlisle thought it was best–"

"Don't Addie me! Where are you staying? I need to have a talk with Edward mother freaking Cullen." 

"You can't, he's out somewhere in Brazil. And it was Carlisle's decision."

"Bull shit. It was Edward's, otherwise, you wouldn't have started to say Edward's name."

"Adeline let me take you inside somewhere" Jasper tried to smooth the situation. Adeline wasn't having it. 

"Oh, so more people can witness our fight?" Her eyes were starting to turn her usual angry shade of green. 

"Addie no that's not-"

"What you mean? Oh, I'm sure it isn't. Just like how you didn't mean to leave me in the forest all alone screaming your name out into the wind!"

"Adeline! Can't you understand that I care about you? That's why I left. I did it to protect you!"

"Protect me my ass! You only left because that's what Edward decided because he's too much of a little baby bitch to break up with Bella and get over himself! Jasper, you let Edward walk all over your family! Rosalie left me better notes than you!" Adeline started yelling at him. When she said Rosalie's name she clutched the necklace Rosalie gave her. 

"Adeline…" Jasper started but he was cut off by Adeline, probably for the best because he didn't have an argument. She was right. 

"No, Jasper. You don't have a point because you know I'm right."

"Adeline Sinclair, I love you more than anything else"

"You're a liar Jasper! If you loved me, you wouldn't have left!"

"I loved you so much that I had to leave!"

"Let me return the favor then! I'm leaving. If you still have my number then text me. Otherwise, I thank you and Rosalie for the gifts but until you pull your head out of your ass or let me speak to Carlisle and Rosalie I'm not talking to you."

She tried to walk away but Jasper grabbed her wrist.

"Don't leave I can't handle losing you again. I can talk to them today. And if you really want to leave at least let me walk you back to your hotel."

"Jasper, I can walk back on my own. It's fine."

"It's not fine Adeline, you could get kidnaped."

"Yeah I probably could but that's unlikely."


" Jasper I swear to God if you pull out a statistic I will put a wooden stake in my heart."

"I wasn't going to."


"Rosalie misses you almost as much as me."

Adeline softens at the mention of Rosalie. "Really?"

"Yeah, Emmett has been trying to help but it hasn't done a lot."

"How's Esme and Carlisle?"

"Broken inside. Esme misses the full house and Forks and Carlisle feels bad that he let Edward make that decision for him."

"I'm gonna kill Edward one of these days."

"If you don't, Alice might."

Adeline snorted "Alice really?"

"Yeah, apparently he ruined her ship. I have no clue what it means but Alice is pissed."

"Gotta love Alice." 

Jasper was leading Adeline to where the Cullen's were staying which wasn't by her hotel. He needed her to see his family. Correction: it was her family too and they missed their sister and daughter.

The Major's Mate (Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now