37 - 𝚂𝚒𝚐𝚗𝚜

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It had been almost a month since the Cullens left. Adeline was starting to get over the heartbreak. Her birthday was coming soon and her parents wanted to do something special for her 18th. It also worked out that Adeline's father had to go on a business trip to New York. Something about a fancy conference he just had to attend.

It was the day they were packing that Adeline remembered what Carlise had said.

For a while, she refused to go or even think about the Cullen house. But curiosity got the better of her.


She pulled up to the Cullen's home. The once full and lively place looked barren and empty. She walked inside and went to the kitchen. There was a note: I'm sorry I left you in the woods, hearing you call out my name destroyed my heart. I love you. -Jasper.

"That mother-" Adeline blurted before she cut herself off. She checked the date at the top left of the note. September 26, 2021. That was after the Cullens left. Way after in fact. That meant Jasper had been here. He'd been in Forks, and he went without seeing her.

She ripped the note in half and ripped it more and more. All the pieces remained now in pieces, laying in the same spot the note had been left by Jasper.

Wiping away angry, and hurt tears she walked up the stairs to Rosalie and Emmett's room. Adeline found the Burn Book laying ominously in the center of the room. She picked it up and opened it. A note fell out, and Adeline recognized the handwriting, it was Rosalie's.

I'm sorry about the way we left, but please remember that I will always no matter what love and cherish you like a sister. We left for New York. Hope to see you again. All my love, Rosalie.

She clutched the note to her chest, letting a solitary tear slide down her face. "That is how you do a goodbye note, Jasper!" Adeline said loudly hoping that he'd hear her; even knowing that her hopes were in vain.

Still clutching the Burn Book Adeline sild Rosalie's note in between one of the pages. She walked out of Rosalie and Emmett's room and into Jasper's room. There was a small stack of books with tabs sticking out of the pages but that wasn't what caught her attention.

Her tears and her voice were immediately caught in her throat. She moved away from the books and toward the corner where Jasper's guitar was. Weaved between the string was a piece of paper. On it were the notes and instructions to play their song.

God if he loved me this much to leave his guitar he should've just stayed Adeline thought to herself.

Adeline grabbed the guitar and set it down by the pile of books. All the tabbed sections she went to either had some lovey-dovey quote, some "I'm sorry" bullshit, or were implying something about New York.

New York.

Rosalie's note.

Jasper's tabbed and annotated books.

One thing was for sure if she did see Jasper or Edward they weren't getting forgiveness quickly or maybe ever.

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