10 - 𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚗𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎

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It had been a few days since the accident. Adeline's dreams were starting to fade but not a lot. Today was the day she had been cleared to go back to school and the day of the Biology field trip to a greenhouse in Port Angeles. Adeline woke up to her alarm going off and her regular good morning text from Jasper.

Jasper Hale

Good morning miss Adeline.


Good morning sir Jasper.

Jasper Hale

Are you coming to school today?


I am, I'm kind of excited about it

Jasper Hale

That's good. I'll see you there.

Adeline closed out her messages and started her regular morning routine. For her outfit today she went for a striped sweater shirt, jeans, and white shoes. 

She grabbed her bag and went downstairs to see if Saige was ready

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She grabbed her bag and went downstairs to see if Saige was ready. "Ready to go?" Saige asked. Adeline nodded and the two made their way out to the car. Saige was driving for the next 2 weeks. Something that terrified Adeline only a little bit. They made it to the school just fine and parked. They saw the Cullens and decided to go over to them. Some of the other students gasped and others started whispering to their friends about the bravery and stupidity of the Sinclair sisters. The Cullen siblings were talking amongst each other when the sisters got to them.

"Hey Saige," Alice said smiling and giving Saige a hug which Saige returned, Alice then took her on a little walk. Edward was off stalking Bella Swan. Jasper smiled at seeing Adeline back at school again.

"Howdy miss Sinclair," Jasper said, tipping an imaginary hat towards her.

Adeline smiled and curtsied replying with "Howdy sir Jasper"

"Would you and Saige like to sit with us on the bus?" Rosalie asked,

"Yeah," Adeline said, looking at Rosalie and smiling. The buses got there and Mr. Molina was shepherding everyone onto the buses and collecting their permission slips while yelling something about "Green is good" Adeline and Saige turned in their slips and made their way on the bus with the Cullens. Edward sat by himself moping and pouting about something. Rosalie and Emmett sat together and Alice had kidnapped Saige so they were sitting together. Adeline walked onto the bus and slid into an empty seat, Jasper was trailing behind her and was about to sit in the row next to her but she stopped him,

"Come sit with me, Jasper. I don't bite" She said smiling, at him. Jasper smiled back at her and sat down. Adeline's comment made Emmett burst into low laughter that made Rosalie cover his mouth so the 2 human girls wouldn't hear them. Rosalie murmured to Emmett "If you lick my hand, I will not hesitate to tell Esme and you will be in the living room for 2 days." Emmett tried giving her puppy dog eyes. The greenhouse was around 45 minutes away so Adeline started talking to Jasper trying to figure out what she had missed. "So what have missed in our classes?" she asked

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