32 - 𝚂𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚛 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛

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"Good morning Jasper," Adeline said happily as Jasper handed her a coffee.

"Morning darling," Jasper said. He put his arm around her and kissed her cheek.

They were outside in the parking lot. Emmett was with Saige both of them hyping each other up for the day. Alice was talking to Rosalie about something probably the Burn Book Alice discovered. Oops. Then there was Adeline and Jasper. The two of them were relieved that the last school yeared ended.

It was a whirlwind that both of them loved and hated.

Adeline sipped down her coffee. Alice appeared. "So Addie, you ready for your senior year?" she asked.

"Ugh don't remind me, this is gonna be a pain in my ass. I still need to figure out what college I want to go to and what I want to major in."

"Just major in history, all of us lived through it," Jasper suggested. Adeline leaned into him more and looked into his eyes.

"That's true, but I don't know what college I want to go to."

"Darling we have lots of friends around the world, especially in the country. Not to mention Carlise is one hell of a reference and teachers love you and you're smart enough to get a scholarship anywhere. Even if you don't we have a lot of money and hardly anything to do with it."

"I appreciate the kind words, but I couldn't ask you guys to pay for my college."

"There wasn't ever a question about it. You're family Addie, we'd do anything to help and protect you," Alice said.

"Alice, that's very sweet, you guys are my family too," Adeline looked at Jasper with a bit of a 'this-is-targerted' look, "Especially when I marry in." Jasper chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"All in good time my love."


"Why are people so stupid?" Adeline huffed as she sat down at the Cullen table. Jasper wrapped his arm around her and Adeline let her head rest on Jasper's shoulder.

"What happened this time?" Rosalie asked, grabbing Adeline's hand and rubbing her thumb soothingly back and forth across her hand.

"Jessica," Adeline said with venom.

"And what did Jessica do this time to piss you off this badly?"

"The teacher just gave us a little sheet to tell her about ourselves and I had finished it so I decided to read. Jessica finished a little bit after me and then decided to, wait for it. Move from her seat and sit next to me, keep in mind my bag was in the chair next to me. She moved that bag and because I still hate her I pretended not to see her," Adeline took an angry exhale before continuing. "This bitch then says, 'I'm sorry your still butthurt over what I did last year.' so to keep my anger in check I snap back with 'I'm sorry your such a pathetic little princess you think you run this dump of a place. I hope you know that we aren't friends and we never will be over the stunt you pulled last year. Edward doesn't like sad little gossip girls who have nothing better to do than spread false rumors. Trust me I've been there and done that. So with all the disrespect go the hell away and never speak to me again.'" She sighed heavily again and Jasper wrapped his other arm around Adeline.

Adeline had been expecting sympathy but instead, she got a slow clap from Rosalie.

"Addie, I'm proud of you. She deserved to be put in her place."

"I love you guys," Adeline said.


"What's today's date again?" Adeline asked.

"September 10th" Alice answered. Adeline looked up from her paper. She was over at the Cullen's house doing some homework after school. Jasper had picked her up and Saige went home alone.

"Really? It's September already?"

"Yep and Bella's birthday is in three days!"

"Is my attendance mandatory?"

"Yes, but you don't have to be there for Bella, just be there for the cake. I may have ordered a large one so you will be sent home with leftovers."

"Alice. It's days like this where you're lucky I love you, but I will be there. Do we need to get party supplies?"

"No, I've already got everything planned."

"Didn't Bella tell you she didn't want a big party?"

"Yes, but she's a lair."

Maybe not about that, but maybe about her hookups with Jacob Black Adeline thought.

Edward was up in his room. Adeline wasn't aware he was home, but Edward's mouth clenched tightly in anger. 

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