46 - 𝚅𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚊

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People as Adeline had predicted questioned her newly happier mood. Angela was the first to notice and point it out. "You seem better after that trip," Angela accused. 

"Well, what can I say? Traveling soothes the soul."

"Or makes the soul stressed," Saige added. 

"You were fine Saigey," Adeline said. 

"You guys joked the plane wing was held on by bubblegum and duct tape!"

"And you're the idiot that fell for it!" Adeline laughed back at Saige who was now pouting like a toddler who got their toy taken away. 


Adeline avoided Bella like she had the plague so she didn’t accidentally spill about anything that happened with the Cullens and New York. 

Bella and Jaco had quit their little relationship or whatever was happening after the Cullens left. 

Adeline had been texting with the Cullens often, especially Jasper and Rosalie. Adeline thought about going to Cullen’s house but decided against it and decided to go see Seth and Leah Clearwater down at La Push. They were able to hang out and so they went exploring the forest (even if they weren’t supposed to. Something about bear attacks). 

Adeline had found some pretty flowers and kept picking them up and collecting them, it wasn’t until she reached a cliff edge that her eyes widened in shock when she recognized how far she was from the others.

The day was cloudy and gloomy, a normal day in Forks. When Adeline looked around trying to find her way back frantically Victoria came down from the trees and made herself known in front of Adeline. 

Adeline’s fight or flight came in and her thorny vines and green eyes made themselves known just as Victoria had. Adeline looked at Victoria’s crimson eyes and victoria looked at Adeline’s green ones. 

“Well, well, well,” Victoria said in a high musical voice as she started walking around Adeline. “Look what the vampires left.”

“They didn't leave me. I left them,” Adeline lied, and she was good at it. Victoria noticed nothing. Adeline backed out of the circle Victoria was doing around her and suddenly they were circling each other. 

“It doesn't matter, I’ll still get revenge for what they did to James.”

“Your little mate tried to kill me and they were simply protecting me.”

“James only wanted you to join us! He told me you would make a good addition, he only wanted the inconsequential girl.”

“I told him a maybe. And then he was killed! That isn’t my fault!”

“Yes it is, you could’ve protected him.”

“No I couldn't have, he’s a vampire and then the coven that killed him outnumbered him vastly.”

“I hope you have nightmares about what happened to him. I’ll be the actress starring in your bad dreams.”

“Bad dreams are just nightmares on a lower level and I don’t get those, just prophecy yet to be fulfilled.”

“Wise words coming from a dead girl walking.”

“Stupid words coming from someone who’s lived her second life for so long. SHuldn’t you be wiser by now?”

“You are dead.”

“Maybe, you however are already dead.”

The Clearwater siblings started calling for Adeline then and when Adeline looked back for Victoria she had disappeared.

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