28 - 𝙲𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕

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Adeline woke in an unfamiliar setting, but more familiar to someone like Carlises or her father. The steady sound of the machine tumping with each of her heartbeats was the first thing she noticed besides the blaring light attacking her eyes.

Jasper was seated next to Adeline pretending to be asleep for the humans around them. Rosalie had arrived at the Hospital with Adeline's parents and sister. Rosalie hated that Adeline got injured for Bella.

Adeline's eyes fluttered open and she groaned. Jasper opened his eyes and moved at human speed over his girlfriend. "Hey darling," Jasper said in a quiet voice once he was at her side. Adeline's hand found its way to Jasper's. She rubbed her eyes with her other hand and blinked a couple of times, her eyes still adjusting to the lighting.

"Hi, Jasper," She said as she looked at him. Venom stung Jasper's eyes as he looked at Adeline in the hospital bed. "Oh, Jazzy," Adeline said in a sympathetic voice as she slowly sat up to hug him. "Jasper, I'm okay now. I promise it's all over,"

He hugged her back and laughed slightly without humor, "Aren't I supposed to say that to you?" Adeline smiled small.

"Perhaps, but what happened after I fell?"

"We brought you and Bella to the hospital. Carlisle thinks you fell because of your powers. Darling you used so much of your energy."

"I like to live life on the edge."

"You were saying something before you collapsed. What was it?" Jasper asked. Adeline thought back trying to recall what happened.

"I was going to say that I didn't feel safe. Victoria definitely knows James is dead, and I just know something will happen when she plans her revenge. Something that'll involve me, I just know it. Now maybe I'm being irrational but that thought won't leave my mind. I knew they were trouble when they walked in, now shame on me for walking into their trap"

"Darling, everything will be okay."

"Yeah, Edward said that last time and. Oh look where I am, it's sure as hell, not Disney Land!" Jasper chuckled.

"You're right, but I will do absolutely everything in my power to keep you safe," Jasper promised. There was a knock on the door just then.

"Come in!" Adeline said. Rosalie walked in with Adeline's father.

"Oh, honey!" Her father said as he rushed forward to hug her. Her father had seen her while she was resting but now that she was awake he drowned her in hugs. Jasper and Rosalie were talking to each other by the doorway while Adeline and her father spoke.

"You know, it's a good thing Dr. Cullen was there. Bella fell 2 flights of stairs and crashed through a window! You went with Jasper and Alice to help stop Bella from leaving," Her father stroked her hair before continuing, "We raised such a wonderful young woman."

In Adeline's head, she was picturing herself scratching the back of her head and muttering through half-clenched teeth "That's not how I remember it but okay"

Popping back to reality she just said something like "Well you guys did the hard part of raising me."

"Alright honey, I'll leave you alone. Please try and get some more rest, we both know you need it."

"Okay dad, I love you!"

"Love you too," Her father said before he got up, patting her hand a few times. Her dad left and Rosalie rushed to Adeline.

Adeline laughed, "You seem happier to see me than Jasper did," She said to Rosalie.

"She might be happier to see you but she'll never love you more than me," Jasper said with a smile on his face.

"Whatever, I think we both tie for first," Rosalie said. She sat on the edge of Adeline's bed, and Adeline moved over so Rosalie could lie with her. Rosalie hugged Adeline, "I'm so glad you're okay. I might have to kill Bella later for dragging you into this."

"Rosie," Adeline said in a stern voice, "No murdering the Bella. Come on, at least let me help!" Rosalie giggled.

"Fine, you can help."

The Major's Mate (Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now