Chapter 3

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I walk out of my fourth period with Billy and as we make it to the door there is a girl handing out flyers. She gives Billy and I a flyer and I walk away already knowing my brother is going to flirt with her so there is no point of me sticking around.

"You going to that party tomorrow night?" Corey asks me as she comes up beside me. "I have nothing better to do so yeah probably." I reply with a sigh.

"So who was that?" Corey asks as we walk out of school. "Who was who?" I ask confused. "The guy you were with earlier." She clarifies. "Oh God, please tell me your not being friends with me just to get closer to him." I say with a groan. "Woah, woah, woah, God no he's totally not my type." She says defensively with a shake of her head. "Well in that case that was my twin brother Billy." I say with a smile happy that finally someone wasn't using me for my brother.

"Cool I have a brother too. He's in middle school though." Corey says with a smile. "Woah, sweet ride." She says as we make it to my brother's Camaro. "Yeah this thing is my brother's baby. He would die for this car." I say with a laugh.

"Hey." I say as I see Max come skating up to Corey and I. "Hi." She replies quickly. "Who is this?" Corey asks as she smiles at Max. "This is my step sister Max." I say as I point at Max. "You are full of surprises Hargrove." Corey says with a smirk. "Yeah, I sure am." I say as I look down.

"I gotta go my brother's waiting for me." Corey says as she begins to walk away. "Bye." I say with a wave as she waves back. "Let's go." Billy says as he opens the door to his car. I roll my eyes and go to the passenger side and let my seat down for Max. She quickly climbs in and I let my seat back up. I get in and sigh as Billy cranks up his Camaro.

Don't Stop the Devil / Steve Harrington 1Where stories live. Discover now