Chapter 33

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"Let's drench it." Mike says and we all nod in agreement. We all get out a can of gasoline and start pouring it everywhere. Lucas stands in the center and sprays gasoline on the ceiling of the tunnels. Once we get finished we all go back to the tunnel we came from and kneel down. "Alright you guys ready?" Steve asks and we all nod and agree. Steve looks at me and I nod. Steve gets out his lighter and lights it. He then throws it and the hub ignites in flames.

We quickly get up and run away. Steve leads the group followed by Dustin, Lucas, Max, Mike, and then me. "This way!" Steve yells from the front of the group. I trip and scream as a vine wraps around my leg. "BELLA!" Steve yells as he runs back to me and hits the vine with his bat. It Let's go of me and Steve wraps me into a hug. "Are you okay?" He frantically asks me and I nod.

"Guys!" Dustin yells as we hear a roar behind us. We all turn around to see Dart standing in front of us. Steve puts a protective arm in front of me as Dustin moves to the front of the group. Steve puts a hand on Dustin's shoulder to try and get him to step back. "Dart." Dustin says and Dart snarls in response. Dustin brushes off Steve's hand and walks forward. We all protest but he shushes us. "Trust me, please." He says and we all stop.

"Hey, it's me, it's me." Dustin says as he takes off his bandanna and goggles so Dart can see his face. "It's your friend, it's Dustin." He says as he kneels down in front of Dart. "You remember me?" Dustin asks and Dart nods and growls in response. "Will you let us pass?" Dustin asks and Dart opens his face and roars at Dustin. We all step forward but Dustin holds up a hand telling us to stop. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Dustin says and Dart calms down.

"I'm sorry about the storm cellar. I know that was a pretty dushie thing to do." Dustin says with a nod. "You hungry?" Dustin asks as he takes off his backpack. Dart growls in response and Dustin laughs. "He's insane." Lucas says and we all shush him. "I've got our favorite, nougat." Dustin says as he holds up a Three Musketeers bar. Dart walks forward with a nod and Dustin opens the candy bar. He places it down on the ground and Dart begins to eat it.

Dustin motions for us to go around them and Max goes first followed by Mike, Lucas, Me, and then Steve. Steve and I turn around and wait for Dustin. Dustin gets up and walks past Dart. Dart looks up and him and growls. "Goodbye buddy." Dustin says and I place a comforting hand on his shoulder. He walks in front of me and Steve follows behind me.

We run back through the tunnels trying to find the rope again. The ground starts to shake and we all stumble. Steve wraps his arms around me and we fall to the ground. "What was that?" I ask after the ground stops shaking. We hear roaring behind us and we all turn in that direction. "They're coming. Run. RUN!" Mike yells and we all start running again.

We find the rope and we all run towards it faster. Steve and I help up Max first followed by Lucas, Mike, and then Dustin. Steve grabs his bat and steps in front of me protectively as we hear the demodogs get closer. We see their shadows and I gasp. The kids all yell for us and I scream as the dogs come running around the corner.

Steve turns around to me and takes off his bandanna. He then takes off mine and crashes his lips into mine passionately. I gasp but kiss him back as the dogs run around us. We break away after the dogs pass and I smile at Steve. "I thought I might never get a chance to do that." Steve says with a relieved smile. The kids cheer from above us and I look down and blush.

Steve helps me up the rope and I then pull him up. Steve grabs my hand and Dustin gives Steve a hug. We walk back up to the top of the hole and look at my brother's Camaro as the headlights start to glow brighter. We shield our eyes and after a few minutes the lights go back to normal.

"Eleven." Mike says and we all turn to look at him. "Let's get out of here." Steve says and I hand him the keys to my brother's car. He takes them and we walk to Billy's Camaro. I let down the passenger seat and the kids crawl into the back seat. Steve cranks up the car as I get in the passenger seat. The ride back to the Byers house is pretty much quiet. When we make it back to the Byers house we see Billy standing on the front porch. I sigh and I hear Max do the same from behind me.

"This should be fun." I say sarcastically. Steve nods and turns off the car. We all get out and walk up to the front porch. Dustin, Mike, Lucas, and Max quickly go inside. Steve and Billy glare at each other and I pull Steve inside. "You okay?" Steve asks me when he sees the sad look on my face. "Yeah it's just a lot has happened these past few days." I say with a small smile. He nods and wraps me into a hug. "It's gonna be okay. El closed the gate, this is all over now. No more demon dogs or creepy smoke monsters." He says and we both laugh.

"Max and I better get going before my brother and dad get even more pissed." I say and he nods. I go to walk away but before I can Steve kisses me. I smile into the kiss and Dustin whistles from behind us. Steve and I break away and laugh. "Let's go Max." I say and she nods. We walk out of the Byers house and see my brother leaning against his car.

"You two have a lot of explaining to do." He says as he gets in the driver's side. I sigh and let down my seat for Max. She climbs into the back seat and I get into the passenger seat. Billy cranks up and drives us back to our house.

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