Chapter 21

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We rush to the window to try and find the source of the sound. "You see him?" Dustin asks from beside Steve. "No." Steve says as we continue to look around.

"Lucas, what's going on?" Dustin asks. "Hold on." Lucas says from the roof. "I've got eyes. Ten o'clock. Te-ten o'clock!" Lucas yells down to us. "There." I say as I see the creature.

"What's he doing?" Dustin asks as we stare at Dart. "I don't know." Steve says with a shake of his head. "He's not taking the bait. Why is he not taking the bait?" Steve asks confused.

"Maybe he's not hungry." I suggest. "Maybe he's sick of cow." Dustin says and the three of us share a worried look. "Steve what the hell are you doing?" I ask him as he moves to the door of the bus. "Just get ready." He says as he throws me his lighter and opens the door and walks outside.

"Damn it." I wisper to myself as I go back to the window. I hear Steve whistle and say something I can't understand from inside the bus. "What's he doing?" Max asks as she comes down from the roof. "Expanding the menu." Dustin replies and Max and I share a concerned look.

"He's insane." Max says from beside me. "He's awesome." Dustin says. "Steve watch out!" I hear Lucas yell from the roof. I gasp as I see three more of the creatures sneaking up from behind Steve.

I run to the door and open it. "STEVE BEHIND YOU!" I scream and Steve turns around to see the other monsters. "STEVE ABORT, ABORT!" Dustin yells as he comes to stand next to me.

Dart lunges at Steve and he rolls away and hits another creature with his bat. He runs towards the bus and as soon as he gets inside I close the door. "Holy shit!" Dustin says from beside me. "Are they rabid or something?" Max asks from my other side.

The creatures try to get in so Steve grabs a piece of metal to try and reinforce the door. "They can't get in. They can't." Lucas says trying to convince himself more than the rest of us.

We all scream as the bus shifts and I grab onto Steve's shoulder. We scream again as the dog like creature finally breaks through the metal. The kids and I run to the back of the bus as Steve hits the monster with his bat.

Dustin trys to radio his friends for help. The kids and I scream again as the creatures slash through the wall we were sitting against. I scream in pain as a burning sensation overcomes my arm. I look down to see slash marks from the monsters claws on my upper arm.

I lean against the latter and look up as I see the roof start to bend and shake. I look up and come face to face with one of the monsters. I scream and back away. "BELLA!" I hear Steve scream as he runs towards me. He pushes me behind him protectively and holds up his bat to the creature.

"You want some come get some!" He yells threateningly at the beast. It roars and Steve gets ready to strike but before he does the monster looks into the distance and roars then runs away.

I look down to see my fingers intertwined with Steve's. We look at each other and quickly let go of each other's hand. Steve walks to the front of the bus and slowly opens the door. He slowly walks out followed by me, Lucas, Max, and Dustin.

"What happened?" Lucas asks from behind me. "I don't know." I reply. "Steve scared them off?" Dustin suggests. "No, no way. They're going somewhere." Steve says as he turns around to look at all of us.

Don't Stop the Devil / Steve Harrington 1Where stories live. Discover now